Which is the best example of a Nonnormative life event?

Which is the best example of a Nonnormative life event?

The death of a friend in a road accident, an unexpected major disease diagnosis, or winning the lottery are all examples of nonnormative influences on an individual. A particular event may be a nonnormative influence event from one perspective and not from another.

What is the difference between normative and Nonnormative life events?

Normative history-graded influences are associated with a specific time period that defines the broader environmental and cultural context in which an individual develops. Nonnormative influences are unpredictable and not tied to a certain developmental time in a person’s development or to a historical period.

Which is an example of a non-normative transition?

Define non-normative transitions: unpredictable or atypical life changes that occur during development. examples of non-normative transitions: divorce, death of a child, declines in economy, decline in health.

Which is an example of a normative history-graded influence?

Normative history-graded influences are those influences within the life course that are correlated with historical time and are experienced by the majority of a culture. For example,, wars and epidemics are considered history-graded events.

What is an example of a history graded influence in development?

Normative history graded influences can be broken down into biological and environmental influences associated with a particular historical events. Examples include: Biological determinants: 1918 flu epidemic, malnutrition due to rationing in WWII, decreasing age of puberty.

Which is an example of a non normative life influence?

Description. Non-normative life events are those that occur unexpectedly, such as natural disasters, loss of a family member and war. Non-normative events may be comprised of both negative and positive events, such as death of a beloved person or winning in a lottery.

What is an example of an age graded influence?

Graduation from kindergarten, college freshman year experiences, marriage, and retirement are all examples of normative age graded influences.

Which age group experiences the most growth?

The most rapid period of growth and development occurs during infancy. Physical changes include doubling of birth weight, increased height, and development of sight and hearing.

Is the developmental period from birth to 18 or 24 months?


Term Storm and stress view Definition G. Stanley Hall’s concept that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings.
Term prenatal period Definition The time from conception to birth.
Term infancy Definition The developmental period that extends from birth to 18 or 24 months of age.

What is the shortest of all developmental periods?

The germinal stage of development is the first and shortest of the stages of the human lifespan. The main events in this stage of development are illustrated in the figure below and described in detail in the rest of this concept. The germinal stage lasts a total of eight to nine days.

What are the four ways of measuring age?

What are the four ways of measuring age? a. Psychological, chronological, biological, and social 22.

What is my age based on date?

In some cultures, age is expressed by counting years with or without including the current year. For example, one person is twenty years old is the same as one person is in the twenty-first year of his/her life.

Which of the following is a criticism of cognitive theories of development?

Which of the following is a criticism of cognitive theories of development? There is too much emphasis on the unconscious.

Which cognitive ability is most affected by aging?

The basic cognitive functions most affected by age are attention and memory. Neither of these are unitary functions, however, and evidence suggests that some aspects of attention and memory hold up well with age while others show significant declines.

What are the four stages of cognitive development?

Piaget’s four stages

Stage Age Goal
Sensorimotor Birth to 18–24 months old Object permanence
Preoperational 2 to 7 years old Symbolic thought
Concrete operational 7 to 11 years old Operational thought
Formal operational Adolescence to adulthood Abstract concepts

What are cognitive skills in a child?

Cognitive skills include attention, short term memory, long term memory, logic & reasoning, and auditory processing, visual processing, and processing speed. They are the skills the brain uses to think, learn, read, remember, pay attention, and solve problems.

What did Piaget say about play?

Piaget viewed play as integral to the development of intelligence in children. His theory of play argues that as the child matures, their environment and play should encourage further cognitive and language development.

What are Piaget’s stages?

Piaget’s four stages of intellectual (or cognitive) development are:

  • Sensorimotor. Birth through ages 18-24 months.
  • Preoperational. Toddlerhood (18-24 months) through early childhood (age 7)
  • Concrete operational. Ages 7 to 11.
  • Formal operational. Adolescence through adulthood.

What are the 5 stages of human development?

Periods of Human Development

  • Prenatal Development.
  • Infancy and Toddlerhood.
  • Early Childhood.
  • Middle Childhood.
  • Adolescence.
  • Early Adulthood.
  • Middle Adulthood.
  • Late Adulthood.

What are the five stages of child development?

The 5 stages of child development

  • Cognitive Development.
  • Social and Emotional Development.
  • Speech and Language Development.
  • Fine Motor Skill Development.
  • Gross Motor Skill Development.

What are the 10 stages of human development?

Periods of Development

  • Prenatal Development.
  • Infancy and Toddlerhood.
  • Early Childhood.
  • Middle Childhood.
  • Adolescence.
  • Early Adulthood.
  • Middle Adulthood.
  • Late Adulthood.

What are the 4 types of human development?

Human development is a lifelong process of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional growth and change. In the early stages of life—from babyhood to childhood, childhood to adolescence, and adolescence to adulthood—enormous changes take place.

What are the three aspects of development?


What is the most important component of development?


What are the two features of development?

Mention any two features of development. Ans. (i) Development is a comprehensive term which include increase in real per capita income, improvement in living standard of people, reduction in poverty, illiteracy, crime rate, etc. (a) Different persons have different developmental goals.