Which color has the lowest energy and why?

Which color has the lowest energy and why?


What color is least energetic?


Which has the highest energy color with lowest energy?

Violet is the highest energy color while the lowest energy color is red.

Which color carries the most energy?


What color is the most refracted?

violet light

Which color has the most energy Activity 4?


What are the color that have higher energy than red?

Blue light

Is blue or red light faster?

Because the number of subquantum energy in a red photon is less than that of a blue photon, red photon interactions are less than the blue photon in the medium. So, the red light travels faster than the blue light.

Is UV light faster than light?

Ultraviolet radiation has shorter waves than blue or violet light, and thus oscillates more rapidly and carries more energy per photon than visible light does. Light travels at a speed of 299,792 kilometers per second (about 186,282 miles per second).

Is 5G faster than light?

From Dial-Up to 5G: Data Speeds Faster Than Light.

Which wave is faster than light?

1. The Big Bang itself expanded much faster than the speed of light. But this only means that “nothing can go faster than light.” Since nothing is just empty space or vacuum, it can expand faster than light speed since no material object is breaking the light barrier

What is fastest thing in the universe?

Laser beams travel at the speed of light, more than 670 million miles per hour, making them the fastest thing in the universe

Are you faster than your shadow?

It depends on the situation and interpretation, but it certainly can be the case that your shadow is faster than you. Depending on the distance of the object onto which the shadow is cast, this “motion” of your shadow can be very fast indeed; it could even be faster than the speed of light!

Can you outrun your shadow?

Instead we might answer the question of if one’s shadow can be outrun, and the answer seems to be yes. The faster you run, the longer the wavelength of the light source you’re outrunning. If that wavelength gets long enough, it will pass through you and you will no longer have a shadow.

How fast does a shadow move?

Just to clarify: The shadow as in the 2D projection on a surface can move at any speed, but the cone shaped shadow volume can only propagate at the speed of light (or speed of dark if you will).

Which is faster the speed of light or speed of sound?

The speed of light as it travels through air and space is much faster than that of sound; it travels at 300 million meters per second or 273,400 miles per hour. Visible light can also travel through other things besides through air and through space.

Can sound be faster than light?

The speed of sound through air is about 340 meters per second. It’s faster through water and it’s even faster through steel. Light will travel through a vacuum at 300 million meters per second. No information can propagate faster than the speed of light

Is sound faster than electricity?

No, electrical current travels at a percentage of the speed of light usually well more than 50% in wires, or faster than 150 million meters per second. Sound travels at a mere 343 meters per second in air. Electric current travels at the speed of light in the medium it is traveling in. Sound travels much slower.

Does light have a distance limit?

Light does have a maximum range, which can be defined from its point of origin, until the end of the universe. Provided it doesn’t hit anything along the way. A: We don’t think there’s any “end” in the sense of some spatial boundary