
Where is mine used in a sentence?

Where is mine used in a sentence?

Mine sentence example

  • Mine will be taught to mind.
  • So I say the horses and chickens are mine and Alex says the other animals are his.
  • It was a gold mine , wasn’t it?
  • You may bring mine with you.
  • Then I will take his soft chubby hand in mine , and go out in the bright sunshine with him.

What does mine mean in geography?

1. a. A hole or tunnel dug into the earth from which ore or minerals are extracted. b. A surface excavation where the topmost or exposed layer of earth is removed for extracting its ore or minerals.

What is mine used for?

An opening or excavation in the ground for the purpose of extracting minerals; a pit or excavation from which ores or other mineral substances are taken by digging; an opening in the ground made for the purpose of taking out minerals, and in case of coal mines, commonly a worked vein; an excavation properly underground …

What is difference between my and mine?

3) My is used to mostly refer to humans, while mine is used for things.

Is mine and his correct?

Personal possessive pronouns never have an apostrophe as they are already possessive (my, mine, his, hers, ours, yours). Note: The noun comes first. Bill’s and my report will be ready for printing tomorrow. The report is his and mine.

What is on their mind?

on one’s mind occupying one’s thoughts; currently being thought about.

What do you say when someone says your on their mind?

Take a look at the options below to see how writing a short message can actually say so much.

  1. “How do you always seem to know when I need to hear that? You’re the best.”
  2. “Back at you! Hope all is well.”
  3. “Don’t worry about me.
  4. “Thank you.
  5. “Thank you for thinking of me!”
  6. “I am so glad I have friends like you.”

How do you respond to I’ll think about it?

5 Ways to respond to “I want to think about it”

  1. Ask questions to understand the reasons why.
  2. Ask how to get in touch with them.
  3. Tell them availability is limited.
  4. Offer to send some more options.
  5. Accept the rejection politely.

When a girl says I’ll think about it what does it mean?

What does it mean when you ask out a girl and she says I’ll think about it? Originally Answered: When I asked out this girl, she said “let me think about it”, what do you think that means? It means she doesn’t want to give you an answer. If she wanted to go out she would have said yes.

What does it mean when a guy says I’ll think about it?

It means he is attracted to you and may be falling in love with you or maybe already is. You have left a deep impression upon his mind and he is now trying to deal with it. I hope this is good news for you, if not don’t play him along let him know how you feel if you don’t feel the same way..

What does let me think about it mean?

meaning that the only universal meaning for “let me think about it” would be that someone is making a request to be allowed time to think about something. The only universal meaning for “I’m thinking” is that the individual who said it, is currently thinking about something.

Is maybe a yes or a no?

“Maybe” means “no.” It’s a “no” that might possibly change to a “yes” in the future, but right now it’s “no.”

What does I will consider mean?

: to think about (something or someone) carefully especially in order to make a choice or decision. : to think about (something that is important in understanding something or in making a decision or judgment)

What does whatever mean when a woman says it?

Whatever Whatever…a classic among classics, a verbal weapon used by both men and women. When a woman says “whatever” during a fight, it means that she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore, because you are pathetic.