
Where do you put the apostrophe in years?

Where do you put the apostrophe in years?

When abbreviating a year, remove the first two numbers and indicate the omission by using an apostrophe:

  1. 2009 becomes ’09 (not ’09)
  2. 2010 becomes ’10 (not ’10)
  3. 2525 becomes ’25 (if we’re still alive)

How do you write years of experience?

Therefore: If you have the experience of ten years in an industry, no apostrophe is needed. If you have ten years’ experience, an apostrophe is needed. If you have only one year’s experience, the apostrophe is needed, but it would appear before the “s” since it is a singular year.

How do you abbreviate 1990s?

C: The correct formation of plural numbers used as nouns is to write them with no apostrophe (1990s). The only time an apostrophe would appear before “90s” is when the “19” is left off. In this case, it would be used to indicate the abbreviation (“’90s,” not “19’90s” or “19’90’s”).

Is it 50s or 50’s?

There’s no requirement for the apostrophe before the “S” in decade names like 50s and 60s, since there are no omitted letters, though it’s also acceptable to include one. The term may be written “’50s” since “19” is being omitted, but “50s” is fine too.

How do you write mid 90s?

Correct spelling for the English word “mid-90s” is [mˈɪd nˈa͡ɪnti z], [mˈɪd nˈa‍ɪnti z], [m_ˈɪ_d n_ˈaɪ_n_t_i z] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you write 60s?

For instance, writing “the 1960’s” when referring to that entire decade is incorrect; instead, one should write “the 1960s.” The same rule applies to the plural form of any other type of number, such as describing someone’s age (e.g. “clients in their 80s”), and is discussed further in section 4.38 on page 114 of the …

What is the plural form of yes?

This word has two possible plurals: yeses and yesses. The better plural for the noun is yeses because, like …

How do you pluralize an acronym ending in s?

The plural of an abbreviation or acronym is usually formed by adding “s” to the end. For example: MOT > MOTs. ATM > ATMs.

How do you show possession with an acronym ending in s?

The general rule for forming possessives The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s.

How do you abbreviate a name that ends in s?

Rule: To form the plural of a name that ends with an s, add an es. To form the possessive of the plural, add an apostrophe. The Joneses are a nice family.

Should CDs have an apostrophe?

There’s nothing confusing about referring to CDs, DVDs, CMSs and the like, so don’t use apostrophes there (as in CD’s). And there’s no need for an apostrophe in something like the 1990s.

Do you need an apostrophe after an acronym?

In technical writing, acronyms are frequently pluralized with the addition of an “s,” but there is no need to put an apostrophe in front of the “s” in that your intention is simply to pluralize rather than show possession.

What does adding an apostrophe do?

The apostrophe has three uses: 1) to form possessive nouns; 2) to show the omission of letters; and 3) to indicate plurals of letters, numbers, and symbols. ​Do not ​use apostrophes to form possessive ​pronouns ​(i.e. ​his​/​her ​computer) or ​noun ​plurals that are not possessives.

What is meant by awkward possessive?

Awkward Possessives When the addition of an apostrophe results in an awkward construction, show ownership by using a prepositional phrase (the marriage of my sister’s friend).