
Where do you find Meloire grapes in Sims 3?

Where do you find Meloire grapes in Sims 3?

You can harvest Meloire grapes from the Old Nectary. That’s one of the vacation homes you could buy but you can harvest the garden without buying it.

How do you get pomegranates in Sims 3?

There is a pomegranate tree in Champs Les Sims; it’s in the front yard of the Pivert household, though depending on the day, you may not be able to harvest it (and when you can, it may not yield enough pomegranates at once). You can also buy them from the marketplaceā€¦ in Egypt.

Where is the sprinkler in Sims 3?


  1. Go go Build and Buy,Buy,Appliences,Micellaneous Appliences,and the sprinkler is in that screen. In my game it is 4 spaces over. User Info: Lioncat97.
  2. If you are on Xbox 360, then press the back button, and change from Live Mode to Build and Buy mode. Next, select Buy.

What is the cheat to increase visa level Sims 3?

You can use the cheat “testingcheatsenabled true” and shift-click your Sim to change their traits. With the Adventurous trait, the Prepared Traveler reward and a little luck you should be able to get to level 3 on your first trip.

How do I travel in Sims 3?

To travel to these destinations, you can use the phone and click on the desired destination. If you are traveling for the first time, you can only travel for 3 days. To travel longer you need Visa Points, which you can gain by doing adventures. A taxi will arrive to pick you up and take you to your destination.

How do you get unlimited money on Sims 3?

Lots ‘a’ money! Hit Ctrl, Shift, and C all at the same time. Type in the blue line across the screen. Type in “motherlode”.

What jobs are there in Sims 3?

The Sims 3 base game careers

  • Business.
  • Criminal. Evil branch. Thief branch.
  • Culinary.
  • Journalism.
  • Law Enforcement. Forensic Analyst. Special Agent.
  • Medical.
  • Military.
  • Music. Rock branch. Symphonic branch.