Where did hell bent come from?

Where did hell bent come from?

The use of hell-bent in the sense of “recklessly determined” dates from the first half of the 1800s. Leather alludes to a horse’s saddle and to riding on horseback; this colloquial expression may be an American version of the earlier British army jargon hell for leather, first recorded in 1889.

What’s another word for hell bent?

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hell-bent, like: obsessed, hell-bent-on, bound and determined, determined, driven, intent, relentless, resolute, resolved, serious and set-on.

What does it mean to be called Bent?

: extremely upset or angry. get bent. slang —used as an angry or contemptuous way of dismissing someone’s statement, suggestion, etc. I try to call him the next morning to apologize, but he tells me to get bent.—

What is a creative bent?

(adjective) showing a noteworthy use of the imagination and creativity especially in inventing. (adjective) having the ability or power to create.

What is an artistic bent?

adj. 1 of or characteristic of art or artists. 2 performed, made, or arranged decoratively and tastefully; aesthetically pleasing. 3 appreciative of and sensitive to beauty in art. 4 naturally gifted with creative skill.

Is calling someone bent offensive?

Bent is an offensive way of saying that someone is gay.

What does it mean to bend someone’s back?

bend back. 1. Of a person, to lean backwards.

What does it mean when a girl keeps bending over in front of you?

Meaning and/or Motivation: Bending over is a submissive appeasement posture when done facing away with the rump toward the recipient. It is an overt sexual invitation as it is a nonverbal request to “be mounted.” Young girls might be seen doing this while dancing in nightclubs as they grind on men teasingly.

Where does the saying bend over backwards come from?

It’s not at all surprising that the origin of the idiom “bend over backwards” is in gymnastics. The term was used as early as 920 CE to compare the athletic act of back bending with an expenditure of effort to ensure that something went as planned.

How do you use hell bent in a sentence?

He loves the thrill of the car at full speed He’s hell bent on taking the lead.

What does test your resolve mean?

vb. 1 to ascertain (the worth, capability, or endurance) of (a person or thing) by subjection to certain examinations; try.

What does unwavering resolve mean?

1. unwavering – marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; “firm convictions”; “a firm mouth”; “steadfast resolve”; “a man of unbendable perseverence”; “unwavering loyalty” firm, steadfast, unbendable, unfaltering, unshakable, steady, stiff.