Where did discombobulated come from?

Where did discombobulated come from?

Discombobulate, meaning β€œto confuse, frustrate,” sounds like something straight out of a cartoon. It was first recorded in the form discomboberate in the early 1800s, and apparently originated as a humorous imitation of hifalutin-sounding Latin words.

How do you use discombobulated?

Discombobulated in a Sentence πŸ”‰

  1. I felt discombobulated after working twelve hours a day for seven straight days.
  2. When the student looked at the difficult test, she felt discombobulated.
  3. The cat was discombobulated until it learned its way around the new house.

Is discombobulated formal?

1 Answer. Discombobulate is a great word (opinion) but it is neither a word for a formal essay nor a everyday speech. To use discombobulate in speech requires stressing tone to make it clear the sentence is lighthearted.

Can be tedious?

Tedious is the adjective from tedium, which is both Latin and English for boredom. You ordinarily wouldn’t use tedious for people, just things; you might say “His speeches are tedious,” but usually not “He is tedious.” Something that is tedious could also be called tiresome.

What kind of word is tedious?

adjective. marked by monotony or tedium; long and tiresome: tedious tasks; a tedious journey. wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker, a writer, or the work they produce; prolix.

Is typical an antonym for incredible?

What is the opposite of incredible?

unspectacular bad
middling uninteresting
insignificant normal
usual common
typical regular

What is a better word for incredible?

What is another word for incredible?

unbelievable unconvincing
astounding extraordinary
fantastic outlandish
preposterous fanciful
fantastical incredulous