Where can I sell my ball python?

Where can I sell my ball python?

So, rather than letting them go, selling your pet snake makes a lot of sense from an ethical and financial perspective. Put an ad on sites/apps like Craigslist, Angie’s List, and Gumtree to reach the most people. You can also post ads locally on notice boards, e.g. at local shops or grocery stores.

How much is a ball python worth?

Normally ball pythons cost about 50 dollars give or take and are very easy to find in pet stores and reptile shows. Ball python morphs, on the other hand, have an average asking price beginning around 200 dollars.

Can you make money selling ball pythons?

Yes, Ball Python breeding can be profitable if you know what you’re doing and make wise decisions. It can be done, I’ve made a living at breeding ball pythons for over five years now.

Can you breed sibling ball pythons?

yes…a lot of breeders will breed babies back to parents. Siblings….

How many times can a ball python breed a year?

It depends on the type of python, but on average, pythons lay eggs once per year and lay anywhere from 20-100 eggs. This depends on size and species. Burmese pythons lay eggs once per “season,” or year, and can lay as many as a hundred eggs. Ball pythons lay about six eggs.

Can I let my ball python incubation her own eggs?

Before letting your ball python (or any snake species, for that matter) incubate her own eggs, you should prepare for this long before breeding even takes place. I generally only allow my females that are over 4 years old, and over 1800 grams (preferably in the 2,000 gram range) to maternally incubate their eggs.

How often should you pair ball pythons?

When you’re ready to put male #2 in, just add him into the same schedule. If you want him to breed both females, just trade out males each week. If you start to see them slowing down, you can always pair them every other week or once a month.

Can you put a male and female ball python together?

No. Don’t keep snakes together, period. The dangers: Young ball pythons have, on rare occasion, indulged in cannibalism — sometimes resulting in the death of both snakes. These snakes, unable to get away from one another, experience constant low-level stress, which make them more prone to health issues.

How do I know when my female ball python is ready to breed?

They can, but they don’t always and sometimes signs can be subtle or missed. There are things like laying inverted, bowl wrapping, glowing, sometimes just staying away from the heat can be a sign. There is also the preovulation swell that can happen, more noticeably in some than others.

Will a gravid ball python eat?

Ball pythons are finicky eaters at the best of times. But when gravid, ball pythons usually go off their food altogether. Once she starts building her follicles, your ball python will most likely start refusing food. You can still offer her food, but she probably won’t eat again for a number of weeks.

How long do ball pythons stay pregnant?

50 to 60 days

Can Ball Pythons store sperm?

Mark Wanner, manager of herpetology at the zoo, said it unusual but not rare for ball pythons to reproduce asexually. The snakes also sometimes store sperm for delayed fertilization. The birth also is unusual because ball pythons usually stop laying eggs long before they reach their 60s, Wanner said.

How many eggs do ball pythons lay at a time?

11 eggs

What do you do when your ball python lays eggs?

It is best to leave her alone until she has finished. In the wild Ball Pythons remain on their eggs to incubate and protect them until they hatch. In captivity most breeders prefer to remove the eggs to a separate incubator. This allows them to closely monitor the eggs.

How long can a ball python go without eating?

six months

Do you need an incubator for ball python eggs?

It can be not much bigger than a shoebox for one clutch of small python eggs, or nearly as large as a room for many eggs of larger species. Hobbyists, for the most part, require an incubator that’s able to hatch a clutch or two of eggs per season.

How do you breed a ball python for beginners?

How to Breed Ball Pythons

  1. Sexing the Snakes.
  2. Cooler Temperatures Equal Fertile Females.
  3. Stimulate the Male.
  4. Introduce the Male to the Female.
  5. Do Not Disturb the Snakes.
  6. When Your Ball Python Lays Eggs.

Will Ball Pythons kill each other?

Male and females dont fight with each other. They will scuffle as to wonder who this other snake is. Males will fight other males and in some cases is great way to get males in the breeding mode during the winter.

Will a ball python eat another ball python?

Although rarer than with other snakes, ball pythons have at times been known to be cannibalistic. A ball python may try to eat another ball python if that ball python is smaller than itself. Housing two ball pythons together will increase stress on both snakes, even if one does not try to eat the other.

Can I handle my ball python while shedding?

Snakes use moisture to separate the old skin layer from the underlying layer. That’s why it’s so important to keep your ball python well hydrated — it helps them shed properly, all in one piece. You can handle the ball python anytime after a shed. Just leave it alone when it’s going into the shed.

Can I handle my new ball python?

After bringing home your new ball python, do not handle for the first two weeks or until it is eating regularly. Handle your snake at least 1-2x weekly, but no more than once daily.

How long after my ball python shed should I feed him?

The snake should shed within 24 hours. During a shed do not expect your snake to eat. After the shed is complete the snake will be very hungry. Feed it as soon as possible.

How often do baby ball pythons poop?

How Often Should Your Ball Python Poop? Typically, your ball python should poop about 1 week after eating a meal. This answer is not the same for all snakes as different environments, temperatures, and foods can cause digestion to take longer in some cases.