
Where can I find Wujeeta in Riften?

Where can I find Wujeeta in Riften?

Wujeeta is an Argonian skooma addict, who can be found walking around the Riften docks or inside the Riften Fishery during the day. In the evenings, she will be at Haelga’s Bunkhouse, while occasionally she can be seen standing on the porch of Honeyside.

How do you get to Honeyside in Riften?

Honeyside can only be acquired on the path to becoming a Thane of Riften. To achieve this, the Dragonborn must have good reputation with Riften citizens and have proven their worth to the Jarl.

Where is the Riften warehouse?

The Riften Warehouse is located outside the city walls of Riften on the docks. It is home to Riften’s underground skooma operations led by Sarthis.

How does the fish hatchery work in Skyrim?

Usage. Once it has been built, fish can be bred by activating the hatchery, located at the end of the small timber platform on the west side of the Windstad Manor. This opens a menu that shows a list of suitable fish. Any Fish native to Skyrim can be added to the hatchery, as well as clam.

Can you fish in Skyrim?

Fishing is a type of activity in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Fishing equipment is available, though cannot be used, meaning fish can only be caught bare-handed. This usually involves wading or swimming into a body of water, but fish can also sometimes be caught from the shoreline.

Where can you find Slaughterfish in Skyrim?

Slaughterfish can be found in rivers, oceans, and occasionally ponds. Some places where slaughterfish may be encountered include: The waters around the Abandoned Shack, Hjaal River in Hjaalmarch. The pond outside Chillwind Depths, Karth River in The Reach.

What ingredients fortify restoration?

The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Fortify Restoration:

  • Abecean Longfin.
  • Cyrodilic Spadetail.
  • Hackle-Lo Leaf CC (1.25× ,1.27× )
  • Salt Pile.
  • Small Antlers.
  • Small Pearl.
  • Yellow Mountain FlowerDG (1.25× ,1.27× )

How do you max out Alchemy?

Process for leveling Potion effects – The only way to fortify alchemy is through enchanted gear. A loop of crafting Fortify Enchanting potions, and using them to enchant stronger Fortify Alchemy gear to make moe Fortify Enchanting potions, will level both Alchemy and Enchanting quickly.

Is there an alchemist in Riften?

Elgrim’s Elixirs is an Alchemy shop in Riften that is operated by Elgrim and his wife Hafjorg. It is located on the western end of the channel in Riften on the lower level.