
Where can I find Numel in Pokemon Emerald?

Where can I find Numel in Pokemon Emerald?

Game locations

Ruby Sapphire Route 112, Fiery Path, Jagged Pass
Emerald Route 112, Fiery Path, Jagged Pass
FireRed LeafGreen Trade
Colosseum Trade
XD Cipher Lab (Shadow)

What does Camerupt evolve into?

Mega Camerupt

What does Numel evolve into?


Is there a shiny Numel?

But no luck on that this time: Numel is not available as a shiny in Pokémon GO, so you’ll just be collecting normal ones

What is Numel weak against?


What is the best Pokemon team in Pokemon Emerald?

The best team for Pokemon Emerald

  • Swampert. Image via The Pokemon Company. While Blaziken is an incredibly powerful Pokemon, choosing Mudkp in order to evolve it into Swampert is the best choice.
  • Salamence. Image via The Pokemon Company.
  • Slaking. Image via The Pokemon Company.
  • Gardevoir. Image via The Pokemon Company.
  • Torkoal. Image via The Pokemon Company.

How do you counter Torkoal?

The best Pokemon Go Torkoal counters are Mega Blastoise, Shadow Gyarados, Mega Gyarados, Shadow Tyranitar, Shadow Aerodactyl & Landorus Therian.

What is strong against Turtonator?

Pokemon Sword and Shield Turtonator Weakness Turtonator is a Fire and Dragon Type pokemon. This will cause it to take More Damage from Ground, Rock, Dragon Type Moves and will take Less Damage from Bug, Steel, Electric, Fire, Grass type moves.

Where is fiery path in Emerald?

northern Hoenn

Is Marill good in emerald?

You can catch Marill before the first gym, its fast growth rate makes it very easy to overlevel, and it can learn plenty of strong normal attacks (and water attacks) throughout the game. Also it’s fortunately not fairy type. This is the moveset I would recommend

Is Zangoose good in emerald?

Zangoose is often overlooked as a Normal-type sweeper. Despite an overall low BST, Zangoose has all the right stats in all the right places. Its impressive base 115 Attack is backed up by a good base 90 Speed. It also has an excellent physical movepool that allows it to sweep uninterrupted

What animal is Zangoose?

Zangoose is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a cross between a mongoose and cat. Despite being classified as a bipedal Pokémon, it usually walks on all fours. Its fur is mostly white with deep red, scar-like markings on the face, chest, and forepaws.

Can Seviper be shiny?

SHINY SEVIPER, ZANGOOSE, MIME JR. The first big feature of this new event is the Shiny forms of Seviper and Zangoose will debut in Pokémon Go. However, the Pokémon you find depends on your region. Currently, Seviper can be caught in the Americas and Africa while Zangoose can be found in Europe, Asia and Oceania