
Where are the teddy bears in Ascension?

Where are the teddy bears in Ascension?

The bears can be found at: The second floor of the starting area. On top of a wall near the Sickle. Behind a fence near the Claymore Lunar Lander.

Is there an Easter egg on Ascension?

Many Call of Duty zombie levels feature Easter eggs. The remastered version of Ascension still contains its Easter egg mission. You must have four players in the game to complete this Easter egg. You cannot complete it while playing solo.

Can you do Ascension Easter Egg 2 people?

You can only do the first two steps solo, other than that you need four players. If you have never played ascension, then you may or may not know that dog rounds are replaced by monkey rounds.

Is double tap on Ascension?

Double Tap can be required on Ascension by completing the Casimir Mechanism Easter Egg, which grants all players all perks, with the bonus of Double Tap. However, if the player has the Rezurrection map pack installed and therefore has Mule Kick in the map, the players will receive Mule Kick as opposed to Double Tap.

Does Double Tap increase damage?

Double Tap increases the rate of fire (and effectively increasing recoil by the same amount, due to the weapons having less time to settle between shots) of all weapons by 33% and doubles bullet damage (2.0 version only).

Does double tap use more ammo?

In regards to the double ammo: The overall ammo is not doubled, and two bullets aren’t visually being fired (with sniper rifles as an exception), but two bullets will hit zombies in the area, and double the points will be given. Also note that this perk does not consume twice as much ammunition per shot

What perk gives you three guns?

Mule Kick

What perk makes you reload faster?

Amped Perk Basic Information

Perk Description Unlock Category
Amped Faster weapon swap and rocket launcher reload speed. – Does not affect swapping to pistols and knives. – Most equipment is used faster Unlocks at level 1 Perk 3

What is Banana Colada perk?

Banana Colada lets you create trails of yellow slime that make zombies slip and get damaged from sliding with the perk, similar to the effects of the Sliquifier. The player can only make one trail at a time, and must let the first disappear before another can be made. The player can also slide faster and further.

What does the perk tombstone do?

Tombstone Soda is a new Perk-A-Cola in Zombies. Each use costs 2000 Points, but it will only appear if there are two or more players in the game. This perk drops a tombstone — which looks like a Power Up — wherever you may have died, preserving the last weapons you held

Can you get banned for doing glitches in Cold War?

Cheating/Modding/Hacking will not be tolerated. Anything that suggests altering the memory on your console or PC in order to acquire new gear, items, or loadouts beyond what is offered in the game is a hack and is considered cheating. We will enforce accordingly, which may result in being banned