
Whats a good name for a candle business?

Whats a good name for a candle business?

How to name your candle business

  • Flame Game.
  • Wick Pick.
  • Wax Works.
  • Elegant Radiance.
  • Waxy Wonders.
  • Classic Candles.
  • Sensuous Smells.
  • Wicks n’ More.

What should I name my Scentsy website?

Creative Scentsy Team Name Ideas

  • Wicked Candles.
  • Get Lit.
  • Ignite profits.
  • Lighting the way.
  • Burning goal setters.
  • Heaven Scent.
  • Aromatic Dreams.
  • Message Scent.

What is a Scentsy launch party?

This will be your official launch party for your new Scentsy business so you can showcase and roll out the entire line you will be selling. Referrals will be a wonderful tool in your business. If people don’t know about your offerings, they won’t be able to give your referrals.

What do you do at a launch party?

12 Launch Party Ideas to Wow Your Guests

  • Get creative with color. Regardless of the budget or size of the event, color is a simple place to start.
  • Start celebrating at the door.
  • Greet guests with sound.
  • Create vignettes within your event.
  • Sample self-care items.
  • Keep them busy.
  • Make your team the stars of the show.
  • Play with your food.

How do I host a virtual launch party?

How to Host a Virtual Product Launch Party on Facebook

  1. Build a following first. Great marketing efforts are wasted if no one is watching.
  2. Partner with influencers.
  3. Build anticipation with live broadcasts.
  4. Make the launch event fun, informative, and valuable for customers.
  5. Create a clear call to action.

What is Scentsy club?

Scentsy Club is a subscription program that lets you schedule recurring shipments of your favorite Scentsy consumables (aka the stuff that runs out) to be delivered directly to you!

How do I stop being a Scentsy Consultant?

Voluntary cancellation: You may cancel your Consultant Account at any time and for any reason by submitting a written request to [email protected].

What does it take to be a Scentsy Consultant?

To remain a Scentsy consultant, we must have a minimum of 200 PRV, all in one calendar month, to occur at least once every three months. In the United States, 200 PRV (Personal Retail [sales] Volume) is generally equal to $200. There are a few exceptions, though for ease of understanding, think $200.