Users questions

What word can I use instead of also?

What word can I use instead of also?

  • additionally,
  • again,
  • besides,
  • either,
  • further,
  • furthermore,
  • likewise,
  • more,

What is another way to say together?

In this page you can discover 72 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for together, like: in unison, unitedly, as one, in one breath, with-one-voice, collectively, accompanied, go, unison, in-the-same-breath and commonly.

What is another word for jointly?

Jointly Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for jointly?

together mutually
collectively in conjunction
in league in partnership
as one concertedly
conjointly cooperatively

What is antonym of together?

Antonym of Together Word. Antonym. Together. Apart, Separate. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is a synonym for collectively?

collectively. Synonyms: accumulatively, confusedly, en masse, indiscriminately, synthetically, together, unitedly. Antonyms: apiece, distributively, each, individually, separately, severally.

What is the opposite word of few?

What is the opposite of few?

many numerous
several countless
innumerable uncountable
unnumbered various
miscellaneous a bunch of

How do British people say GREY?

“Grey” is the preferred spelling in British English, but “gray” is more common in American English.

What are gray hairs?

When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color — like gray, silver, or white — as it grows. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray. People can get gray hair at any age.


What word can I use instead of also?

What word can I use instead of also?


  • again,
  • besides,
  • either,
  • further,
  • furthermore,
  • likewise,
  • more,
  • How do you say also in a formal way?

    The following list will help you to recognize the informal and formal ways of saying the same thing….Transitions – Informal & Formal.

    Informal Formal
    Plus/Also Moreover/ Furthermore
    But However
    So Therefore/Thus
    Also In addition, Additionally

    What is the antonym for also?

    What is the opposite of also?

    otherwise dissimilarly
    conversely in a different manner
    contrarily in reverse
    inversely rather
    vice versa in lieu

    Can also vs also?

    No, there is no intrinsic difference in meaning. The differences you suggest will have to appear in the context.

    Do you believe synonym?

    (Idiomatic) To wholeheartedly trust. In this page you can discover 74 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for believe, like: have faith, be confident, think, be convinced, accept, conclude, affirm, be certain, feel sure, postulate and feel.

    Can similar words?

    What is another word for could?

    would can
    may might
    is able to may perhaps
    may possibly may well
    possibly will might perhaps

    Can you use synonyms?


    • take advantage of.
    • exploit.
    • manipulate.
    • abuse.
    • milk.
    • profit from.
    • impose on.
    • misuse.

    What is are synonyms for the word also?

    List of Synonyms for Also Additionally Again Along with And And all As well As well as Besides Coupled with Either

    Is also synonyms?

    Is Also synonyms. Top synonyms for is also (other words for is also) are equals, it is equally and same.

    What is a synonym for instead?

    alternatively, instead, or else(adverb) in place of, or as an alternative to. “Felix became a herpetologist instead”; “alternatively we could buy a used car”. Synonyms: alternatively, rather, or else. rather, instead(adverb) on the contrary.