What type of person is Capulet?

What type of person is Capulet?

Unique Characteristics: Lord Capulet has many traits, the main things that you will notice is his drastic mood changes, also he will always stick to his decision that he made. Description: Lord Capulet is very protective of his family. He will fight all other families that threaten his own.

What kind of father is Lord Capulet?

Lord Capulet is the strong, authoritative father figure in this tragedy. The character is not drawn as a bad father. He protects his family. When the audience discovers that the Countie Paris wishes to marry Juliet, we first see Lord Capulet putting him off, telling him to wait because she is too young.

What are the Capulets like?

Capulet (Juliet’s Father) Capulet is locked in an on-going, bitter and unexplained dispute with the Montague family. Capulet is very much in charge and demands respect. He is prone to rage if he does not get his own way. Capulet loves his daughter very much but is out of touch with her hopes and dreams.

What is Lord Capulet’s character flaw?

However, he also has his character flaws. He is prideful, arrogant, and very hot tempered. Not only do these character flaws show up earlier in the play, more importantly, they show up in Act 3, Scene 5 when Juliet refuses to marry Paris.

How is Lord Capulet a good father?

In ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father, is presented as a good father in many ways throughout the play and particularly in this extract. This shows that although Lord Capulet is a good father because he cares about her feelings, he does not want Juliet to have her own voice or opinions outside his.

What is Lord Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s refusal?

While at first Lord Capulet says he will not approve Juliet’s marriage to Paris without her consenting to it, when she refuses to marry Paris, Capulet becomes furious with her. He resorts to name-calling, cursing, and a threat of disowning Juliet as he yells in rage against her disobedience.

Are Lord and Lady Capulet good parents?

However, Juliet addresses her father as ‘father’, which would imply that he is closer to his daughter than his wife is. In Act 1 Scene 2, Lord Capulet has the interview with Paris where he asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage. So, in their fashion, the Capulets are good parents.

Why is Lady Capulet so upset?

Her daughter has really died this time. She feels guilty, having discovered she buried her daughter alive. She feels guilty for having treated Juliet so poorly while she was alive. …

Why did Romeo die?

At the end of the play, Romeo and Juliet both commit suicide. Although they killed themselves, there were other factors that led them to their demise. The three major causes of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths were bad choices, adult interference, and bad luck.

Is Romeo to blame for Mercutio’s death?

Romeo is to blame for Mercutio’s death because he did not defend himself when Tybalt called him a “villain” (line 60). If he had defended his honor, instead of offering what Mercutio calls “a calm, dishonourable, vile submission” (line 72), then Mercutio would not have needed to fight on his behalf.

What was Romeo’s punishment for killing Tybalt?
