What type of ligand is ACAC?

What type of ligand is ACAC?

Some Bidentate Ligands
ethylenediammine (en) acetylacetonate ion (acac)
phenanthroline (phen) oxalate ion (ox)

What is the structure of acetylacetone?


Is Bipyridine a pi-acceptor?

A simple explanation to that question is that bipyridine is conjugated in a dissonant fashion. Charge donation into such systems results in stabilization, therefore bipyridine is found among the pi-acceptor ligands.

Is cyanide a bidentate ligand?

No, cyanide is not a bidentate ligand.

How can you tell if a ligand is bidentate?

To see if a ligand if a bidentate, tridentate, or hexadentate, you look to see how many lone pairs there are one different atoms. The best way to see this is by drawing a lewis structure. For example, a bidentate would have two lone pairs, each on different atoms.

Why is tetrahedral always high spin?

Unlike octahedral complexes, the ligands of tetrahedral complexes come in direct contact with the dxz, dxy, and dyz orbitals. Thus, these orbitals have high electron-electron repulsion, due to the direct contact, and thus higher energy. Because of this, most tetrahedral complexes are high spin.

Why square planar complexes are more stable than octahedral complexes?

These complexes differ from the octahedral complexes in that the orbital levels are raised in energy due to the interference with electrons from ligands. This means that most square planar complexes are low spin, strong field ligands.

Why is Pt II square planar?

Platinum has bigger d orbitals than nickel does, which can hold more electron density more capably, because the electron density can be more spread out in a larger d orbital. Therefore, platinum can support a higher-energy structure such as the square planar structure.

Why does DD transition occur?

d-d Transitions In a d–d transition, an electron in a d orbital on the metal is excited by a photon to another d orbital of higher energy. In complexes of the transition metals, the d orbitals do not all have the same energy. An example occurs in octahedral complexes such as in complexes of manganese(II).

Which is Coloured due to dd transition?

The transition metal ions which have completely filled d-orbitals are colourless as the excitation of electron or electrons is not possible within d-orbitals. The transition metal ions which have completely empthy d-orbitals are also colourless.

What do you mean by dd transition?

d-d transition means the transition of electrons within the d-orbitals. This transition is the reason for colour for d-block compounds. In complexes, in octahedral field, d-orbitals split into lower energy t2g{dxy,dxz,dyz} and higher energy eg{dx^2-y^2, dz^2} orbitals.

Why DD transition is weak?

In centrosymmetric complexes, d-d transitions are forbidden by the Laporte rule. The Laporte rule states that, if a molecule is centrosymmetric, transitions within a given set of p or d orbitals are forbidden. This is because mixing d and p orbitals is possible when there is no center of symmetry.

What is the lowest energy transition?

The energy requirement order for excitation for different transitions is as follows. n→∏* transition requires lowest energy while σ→σ* requires highest amount of energy. n→π* transition requires lowest energy due to longer wavelength.

Why are FF transitions sharp?

The f-f transitions which give rise to sharp, narrow bands of comparatively weak intensities which are Laporte forbidden, whereas allowed f-d transitions are relatively broad and intense. The intensity of f-f transition is weak, because these transitions are Laporte forbidden.