
What tool is used to look in ears?

What tool is used to look in ears?

An ear examination can find problems in the ear canal, eardrum, and the middle ear. During an ear examination, a tool called an otoscope is used to look at the outer ear canal and eardrum. The otoscope has a light, a magnifying lens, and a funnel-shaped viewing piece with a narrow, pointed end called a speculum.

Is it safe to use an otoscope at home?

While nothing will replace a professional medical exam, having an otoscope at home can help parents or spouses determine if an infection, excessive wax, or other conditions are present in the ear canal or ear drum.

What can a ophthalmoscope detect?

It is used to detect and evaluate symptoms of retinal detachment or eye diseases such as glaucoma. Ophthalmoscopy may also be done if you have signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, diabetes, or other diseases that affect the blood vessels.

How do you use an ophthalmoscope?

To exam the patient’s RIGHT eye, hold the ophthalmoscope in your RIGHT hand and use your RIGHT eye to look through the instrument. Place your left hand on the patient’s head and place your thumb on their eyebrow. Hold the ophthalmoscope about 6 inches from the eye and 15 degrees to the right of the patient.

How do you do a fundus test?

Hold the instrument with the hand ipsilateral to the examining eye; both are ipsilateral to the eye being examined: examine every left fundus with your left eye, holding the ophthalmoscope in your left hand (Figure 117.2); and every right fundus with your right eye and hand.

What do Fundoscopic exams look for?

Funduscopic Examination

  • Keep both yours and the person’s eyes.
  • Have the patient focus on a distant object.
  • Look at right fundus with your right eye.
  • Ophthalmoscope should be close to your eyes.
  • Set the lens opening at +8 to +10 diopters.

When using the ophthalmoscope it is best to?

With the ophthalmoscope about six inches from the patient, use your right hand and right eye to look through the ophthalmoscope at the patient’s right eye. Adjust the wheel toward the negative or red end of the unit until your view is clear and in focus.

What is the red light reflex caused by?

The red reflex is a reflective phenomenon seen when light passes through the pupil and is reflected back off the retina to a viewing aperture, creating a reddish orange glow. You may notice this commonly in pictures with flash.

How does indirect ophthalmoscopy work?

The binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, or indirect ophthalmoscope, is an optical instrument worn on the examiner’s head, and sometimes attached to spectacles, that is used to inspect the fundus or back of the eye. It produces an stereoscopic image with between 2x and 5x magnification.

What is fundus?

The part of a hollow organ that is across from, or farthest away from, the organ’s opening. Depending on the organ, the fundus may be at the top or bottom of the organ. For example, the fundus of the uterus is the top part of the uterus that is across from the cervix (the opening of the uterus).

What is the purpose of the fundus?

The fundus plays an important role, because it stores both undigested food and gases that are released during the process of chemical digestion. Food may sit in the fundus of the stomach for a while before being mixed with the chyme.

Is retinal imaging covered by insurance?

Retinal imaging has its limitations. It can’t detect a disease where the retina is bleeding. It also may not see problems on the outer edges of your retina. Retinal imaging may be covered by your medical insurance (not your vision insurance) or Medicare.

What is a fundus exam?

Dilated fundus examination or dilated-pupil fundus examination (DFE) is a diagnostic procedure that employs the use of mydriatic eye drops (such as tropicamide) to dilate or enlarge the pupil in order to obtain a better view of the fundus of the eye.

Who can perform fundus photography?

As an alternative, 7-field stereoscopic fundus photography is another acceptable method, but also requires both a trained photographer and a trained reader. Fundal photography compares favorably with ophthalmoscopy (performed by an experienced ophthalmologist, optometrist, and ophthalmic technician) ….