
What time is 2359 in military time?

What time is 2359 in military time?

Military Time 2359 is: 11:59 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 23:59 using 24-hour clock notation.

Time Zone Name Letter 24-hour clock
November Time Zone N 22:59
Zulu Time Zone Z 23:59
Alpha Time Zone A 00:59
Bravo Time Zone B 01:59

What time is 23 00pm?

24 Hour Clock Converter: How to Convert AM/PM to 24 Hour Time

12 hour clock 24 hour clock
08:00 PM 20:00
09:00 PM 21:00
10:00 PM 22:00
11:00 PM 23:00

What time is 2400 in military time?

Military Time Conversion Chart

Military Time Standard Time
0000 / 2400 12:00 AM / Midnight
0100 1:00 AM
0200 2:00 AM
0300 3:00 AM

Is it 2400 hours or 0000?

Simple answer: If it is the beginning of the day, activity, or event then use 0000 (Pronounced: “Zero Hundred Hours” or “Midnight”). If it is the end of the day, activity or event then use 2400 (Pronounced: “Zero Hundred Hours,” “Twenty Four Hundred Hours,” or “Midnight”).

How do you say 12 30am in military time?

Military time starts at 12 AM with the clock at 0000 “zero hundred hours.” So 12:30 AM would be 30 minutes after the clock started at 0000, making the time 0030 in military time.

How do you say 0015 in military time?

The 12-hour clock time 12:15 a. m. would be 0015 , pronounced “Zero hundred one-fife” or “Zero hundred fifteen” as military time.

What time is 12 45 pm in military time?

Military Time Conversion Chart

Standard Time Military Time Equivalent Standard Time
Midnight 00:00 Noon
00:15 a.m. 00:15 12:15 p.m.
00:30 a.m. 00:30 12:30 p.m.
00:45 a.m. 00:45 12:45 p.m.

How do you say 8 o’clock in military time?

slej said: This technically reads as twenty hundred hours but you would only use this term if you were in the military or a pilot / air traffic controller etc. I would say 8 o’clock or 8 at night / 8pm.

What is 8 o’clock military time?

Easy to Read Military Time Chart

12-hour am-pm clock 24-hour military time
6:00 pm 18:00
7:00 pm 19:00
8:00 pm 20:00
9:00 pm 21:00

What is 20 in army time?

Method 2 – Use This Chart To Convert 24 Hour Time

12-hour am-pm clock 24-hour military time
6:00 pm 18:00
7:00 pm 19:00
8:00 pm 20:00
9:00 pm 21:00

Who invented the 24 hour clock?

It is believed that the Egyptians are the origin of the 24-hour system of time. They used what is known as the Egyptian astronomical decan system. Decans are small constellations totaling 36 groups of stars. These decans would rise on the horizon during each earth rotation.