
What shipping service does chegg use?

What shipping service does chegg use?

Package-delivery Services Such As FedEx, UPS, And Chegg.com.

Does chegg give you an ebook while you wait?

Courtesy eTextbook gives you access an e-version of your textbook for 7 days while you’re waiting for your physical book to be delivered. Courtesy eTextbooks are not offered for all textbook titles. Click on the book you want and view the Rent tab in the store. Check under the “Included with your book” line.

How fast is chegg?

We do our best to answer posted questions within 2 hours. Depending on the subject and question, it may take a bit longer while we try to find the perfect Chegg Expert to answer your question.

How do I track my chegg books?

You can track your order by going to the main Chegg menu nav on the home screen. Tap the Chegg logo, hit My account. Under My orders, find the book you wish to track and tap Track Shipment. A screen should appear with your book’s tracking information.

Can I read my chegg ebook offline?

Tweet @chegg to brag. eTextbooks can only be viewed offline on our mobile eReader app. Once you download the app and navigate to your eTextbook library, you’ll be prompted to download the eTextbook. Then you can access your eTextbook offline—and study just about anywhere!

Can chegg read to you?

But regardless of any potentially competitive plans, Chegg’s eTextbook Reader has been in the works since August, back when Leena wrote a preview of it. …

Can you see page numbers on Chegg eBook?

If you’re on the eReader app: Android—If zoomed in, double tap on the page and the whole page will come into view.

Can Pearson eText read to you?

eText is online, interactive text. With eText you can: hear the whole text read aloud, and see words highlight as they are read. search in the text.

Do Pearson eBooks expire?

When an account expires, the student or teacher will no longer have access to Pearson eText or their notes and work. In order to maintain access to notes and work, a user will need to renew their account with a new access code before their existing account expires.

What does eText mean?

electronic text

How do I read a Pearson eBook?

Go to /etextbooks and select “Register”. Select, “Yes, I have an Access Code”, and then choose your book. Read through and accept the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you have an existing Pearson Username and Password, you may choose to register with that.

How do I access my Pearson eBook?

Pearson ELT eText provides your English course books online. Where available, you can access your Pearson books either through your Internet browser or by downloading the eText app to your Apple iOS or Android device.

Does Pearson Mylab work on IPAD?

You may be able to use your Android or iOS mobile device (smartphone or tablet) to work on regular Mastering assignments as well as any Learning Catalytics sessions and Dynamic Study Modules. A Pearson student account is needed to access assignments in Mobile view. See below for more details about Mobile view.

Can you do homework on an iPad?

Most of your college homework assignments can be done on an iPad, and most of the time, it’s more fun to do them on an iPad. Unless you’re a Computer Science major who needs to program in C++, Visual Basic, XCode, and Java, then you can probably get all your homework done on an iPad.

How do I access Pearson on my iPad?

Pearson eText A valid Pearson MyLab or Mastering username and password are required to access your subscribed titles on the iPad. To sign in, launch the app and then enter the same username and password you use to access your MyLab or Mastering course.

How do I highlight on Pearson eText iPad?

While you are offline, you can only search for page numbers if this is active in your eText. Add highlights, notes, and bookmarks. To add a highlight, either with or without a note: Long tap a word in the book to select it, then drag the bounding handles to select the rest of the content you want to highlight.

How do I read my Pearson eText on my Iphone?

Open the eText

  1. Download the Pearson eText mobile app, if you haven’t done this yet. Android and iOS apps are available for smartphones and tablets.
  2. On your mobile device, enter the URL for your Mastering course, such as www.masteringbiology.com.
  3. Sign in by entering your username and password.
  4. Open the Mobile view menu.

How do you unhighlight in Pearson eText?

Navigate to the highlight, and select anywhere in the highlighted text….Do any of the following:

  1. Select then revise or delete the note.
  2. Select to remove the highlight and note.
  3. Select to share the highlight and notes with students. Select it again to stop sharing.

How do I download Pearson eText on a Mac?

Download the Pearson eText app from your mobile device….Open the eText and navigate in the app

  1. Sign in to the app with the same username and password you use for your course.
  2. Select your book.
  3. Scroll down as you read.

How do I see page numbers in Pearson?

Typing a page number in the Page Number field located in the right side of the Toolbar. Using Table of Contents, bookmarks, and Note references. Using the Search feature to look for specific words in the text and opening those pages in your Pearson eText.

How do you unhighlight on a Mac?

just hover over the hilighted part and a script will pop up for you to leave a comment, all you do is press delete to unhighlight the section you hovering abover. Commenting is not Highlighting.

How do you unhighlight in Word on a Mac?

Remove highlighting from part or all of a document

  1. Select the text that you want to remove highlighting from, or press Ctrl+A to select all of the text.
  2. Go to Home and select the arrow next to Text Highlight Color.
  3. Select No Color.

How do you highlight on Macbook Air?

Highlight text

  1. Press Shift-Command-H on the keyboard.
  2. Select Insert > Highlight from the Insert menu at the top of your screen. (The Insert button on the Pages toolbar doesn’t have the Highlight command.)
  3. Click Highlight in the review toolbar at the top of the document.