What makes a snowy landscape beautiful?

What makes a snowy landscape beautiful?

A snowy landscape is one of Nature’s simplest creations, beauty rendered in clear white with long, slender shadows and sculptured shapes. Their patterns are reflected in the snow or silhouetted against the sky.

How do you describe a snowy landscape?

Here are some adjectives for snow: else deep, clean suburban, new, undisturbed, coldly white and opaque, fine, icy, cold virgin, soon deep and treacherous, old, crystalline, dirty, weatherbeaten, still pristine and white, fairly deep and loose, smooth, powdery, white, grainy, hard powdery, nightal, cold nightal, heavy …

What is the meaning of winter landscape in the mountains?

The author compares her beauty with the “winter landscape in the mountain”. He meant that as in winter the snowfall enhances the beauty of mountain and gives the whole white stretch of mountain a strange peaceful and tranquil effect in the same way grandmother enthralled the author.

Who was like the winter landscape in the mountains?

How did the grandmother appear like the ‘winter landscape in the mountains’? The grandmother always wore spotless white clothes. Her locks of hair also looked silver white. Her spotless white dress and silver white hair made her look like snowy mountains in winter.

Why is she being compared to a winter landscape in the mountains?


Who is compared to the winter landscape?

Why does the narrator call his mother a winter landscape?

Answer: In the story , “ The portrait of a lady” by Khushwant singh, the narrator compares his grandmother to a winter landscape in the mountains because both portray an expanse of pure white serenity breathing peace and contentment. …

How did Khushwant Singh portray his grandfather in the lesson?

Answer. Explanation: In The Portrait of a Lady, Khushwant Singh describes his grandfather from the latter’s portrait that hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing room. Khushwant Singh also goes on to say that his grandfather did not look the sort of person who would have a wife or children.

How did Khushwant Singh?

Death. Singh died of natural causes on 20 March 2014 at his Delhi residence, at the age of 99. His death was mourned by many including the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister of India.

How did the grandfather look?

The grandfather wore a big turban and loose fitting clothes in the portrait. He had a long, white beard and looked at least a hundred years old. He did not look like he had ever been young or had a wife or children. He looked as if he had always been a grandfather.

What was the daily routine of the grandmother in the village?

Briefly describe the typical routine of the grandmother in the village and City. During her village life, everyday she would prepare the author for school. She dressed him up,gave him breakfast and would accompany his grandson to school because his school was attached to the temple.

What two activities does the grandmother do everyday?

Answer. Explanation: the activities that the grandmother do everyday are she always Sing prayers and tell rosary beads in inaudible prayer… she also fed sparrows in the afternoon which was relaxing time for her and she also do spinning all day.

What did grandmothers like music?

The grandmother actually hated music. She was a conservative old lady who had her own beliefs and superstitions. She thought that music was meant only for prostitutes and beggars. It was not meant for gentlefolk.

What was the turning point of their friendship?

Answer: The turning point in the narrator’s and his grandmother’s friendship came when the author was summoned to the city by his parents. In the village, he and his grandmother had been going together to the school . His grandmother was also able to help him with his studies.

How did the grandmother breathe her last?

She said that she would spend the last few hours of her life praying instead of talking to her family. She lay on the bed praying and telling the beads of her rosary till her death. When the grandmother died, hundreds of sparrows crowded around the grandmother’s room. There was no chirruping and everything was quiet.

Why did he listen to her morning prayer?

When she dressed and bathed author in his childhood, she sings her prayer. She wanted that author will also learn that prayer. Grandmother think that when she sing prayer in a manner of lyrics, it is easier to learn for author. He will listen prayer subconsciously and will learn automatically.

Why did the grandmother carry stale chapatis with her?

Answer. Answer: The portrait of a lady why did grandmother carry stale chapati to village school. So as she may feed the village Dogs on her returning journey to home.

What did grandmother do?

The grandmother had nothing to do. So she befriended the sparrows and used to feed them every afternoon. She would also pray and fly charkha along with feeding the birds. The birds became so friendly with her that they used to sit on her body and she would never disturb them.

What would the grandmother do in the temple on a daily basis?

Answer: Grand mother used to wake up early in morning and she would recite her prayers. She would then go to the adjoining temple to offer her prayers and read the scriptures.

How did grandmother spend her time in the city?

to keep herself busy in the city grandmother spent all her time sitting on her charkha and spinning. she also keeps her lips and mind busy in prayers and her hand counting beads. also she spent half an hour on feeding sparrows and watching them playing and chirping.

How did the grandmother spend her afternoon everyday?

His grandmother spent time with her spinning wheel. From sunrise to sunset she sat by her wheel spinning and reciting prayers. In the afternoon, she relaxed for a while to feed the sparrows. She was always getting surrounded by sparrows that were perching on her legs and shoulders.

What did Grandmother do before she died?

Solution : The grandmother told the family that her end was near. She told everyone that as she had omitted to pray in the last phase of her life so she was not going to waste any more time talking to them. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling her beads.

Who is the main character of the chapter the portrait of Lady?
