
What is the warrior cats adventure game?

What is the warrior cats adventure game?

The Warriors Adventure Game is a pen-and-paper role-playing game taking place in the Warriors campaign setting. Players can create their own Warrior cat using the character creation rules, and have their progress through different adventures (scenarios).

Will there be a warrior cats movie in 2020?

As of 2020, Heyman does not have the script for Warriors yet. The Warriors movie will be a live-action and CGI hybrid.

Can warrior cats have kits in StarClan?

Can starclan cats have kits? * There is a slim chance they can have kits, to do this note the group about having kits in star clan (the founder will roll a pair of D20 dice, if either numbers is a 2 or 3 your cat can get pregnant.)

What do warrior cats say when a cat dies?

To honor the dead, the cat’s closest friends share tongues with him/her for the last time. Cats say a few words, like a funeral. Then they stand vigil with the dead cat ’till sunrise, to make sure that there will be safe travel to StarClan. Then, they bury the cat in camp….

Who killed the most cats in warrior cats?


How does graystripe die in Warriors?

blood loss

Who is the strongest warrior cat?

Strongest Warrior Cats

  • Firestar Firestar is a character in the Warrior Cats series.
  • Lionblaze Lionblaze is a character in the Warrior Cats series.
  • Scourge Scourge is a villain the Warrior Cats series.
  • Ivypool Ivypool is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the Book series named Warrior Cats.
  • Hollyleaf.

Who is the imposter in Bramblestar’s body?

Bramblestar’s impostor was a former leader of ThunderClan in the lake territories. He was a spirit that possessed the body of the ThunderClan leader, Bramblestar, having been able to force out Bramblestar’s spirit when he lost a life during an unusual attempt to cure him from an illness.

Who was Cinderpelt in love with?


Is Ashfur a girl or boy?

Ashfur is a boy….

Why does Squirrelflight have white paws?

SQUIRRELFLIGHT IS A TABBY IN THE ILLUSTRATION IN CATS OF THE CLANS!! In the discription of her in the beginning of Outcast she is fully orange, not a tabby. Squirrelflight has a white paw because her aunt is Princess.

Who did graystripe kill?


Who is Ashfur’s dad?

Whitestorm: Although many people think he is the father of Ferncloud and Ashfur, there are a couple of reasons why he probably isn’t. First of all, consider this: he also fathered Willowpelt’s kits, who were born only about eight moons after Ferncloud and Ashfur….

How did Brindleface die?

Brindleface congratulates Cloudtail when he becomes a warrior. She is murdered by Tigerstar to give the dog pack a taste for cat blood. Her body is left slaughtered just outside ThunderClan’s camp at the end of the trail of rabbits.

How does Frostfur die?


Did Squirrelflight like Ashfur?

Squirrelflight had given up hope with their relationship, but Ashfur ignited the flames and they were once again deep in love. Ashfur wanted to be a father of his own kits. Squirrelflight denied him though.

Are Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight still mates?

Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight are mates. They remained mates for a while and Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight had kits, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze. It was later revealed they are not Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight’s kits, they were Leafpool and Crowfeathers.

Is Squirrelflight a reincarnation of scourge?

Is Squirrelflight the reincarnation of Scourge? Theory: After Scourge was killed in the Darkest hour his spirit never found its way to KittyPet after life, since he was killed in StarClan and Dark forest territory. Scourge’s spirit then decided to reside Squirrelkit and thus, making her a reincarnation of Scourge….

How did Ashfur meet scourge?

Twisted Love Ashfur finds Scourge hiding in ThunderClan territory on a hunting patrol. He can’t help it, but when he first meets the scrawny, defeated-looking tom, he falls in love with him. Soon enough, he knows Cinderpelt, the ThunderClan medicine cat, is also in love with Scourge.

Where did scourge go when he died?

As the other answer said Spottedleaf, and all of the other cats in StarClan and the Dark Forest who died, went to the endless void.