What is the value of 2 Power 0?

What is the value of 2 Power 0?

Now 20 is an empty product so 20=1. Said identity should be true for any base.

Is 5 a positive rational number?

Yes, 5 is a positive rational number.

Is negative 5 a rational number?

Negative 5, or -5, is a rational number. Rational numbers can be either positive or negative. They just need to be the quotient that results when one…

Is 13 a positive rational number?

Answer and Explanation: 13 is a rational number. A rational number is any number that is negative, positive or zero, and that can be written as a fraction.

Is 9 a positive rational number?

Positive Rational Number You can also say that a rational number is positive if both numerator and denominator are of the same sign. 1/6, 2/7, -9/-11, -5/-13, 8/12 are positive rationals, but 6/-5, -3/11, -8/7, 9/-23 are not positive rationals.

What are 5 examples of rational numbers?

Positive and Negative Rational Numbers

Positive Rational Numbers Negative Rational Numbers
All are greater than 0 All are less than 0
Example: 12/17, 9/11 and 3/5 are positive rational numbers Example: -2/17, 9/-11 and -1/5 are negative rational numbers

Which rational number is negative?

You can also say that a Rational Number is Negative if the numerator and denominator are of opposite signs. All the Rational Numbers -1/7, 4/-5, -25/11, 10/-19, -13/23 are negative. Rational Numbers -11/-14, 2/3, -3/-4, 1/2 are not negative.

Is 0 a negative rational number?

The number 0 is neither a positive nor a negative rational number. There are unlimited number of rational numbers between two rational numbers. A rational number is said to be in the standard form, if its denominator is a positive integer and the numerator and denominator have no common factor other than 1.

What is a negative ratio?

A ratio is negative when the divisor and dividend are of different sign. Distance can never be negative then why external division gives negative ratio. Apr 9, 2017.

What is the opposite of rational number?

irrational numbers

What number is the opposite of 0?

negative zero