What is the unit of KB and KF?

What is the unit of KB and KF?

kb= Molal elevation constant . Here, temperature has the units of Kelvin (K) and molality can be expressed as mol/Kg. Hence, units of molal elevation constant (kb) can be given as : K−Kg/mol.

What is a KF value?

Kf is a constant for a given solvent. Kf is called the molal freezing point depression constant and represents how many degrees the freezing point of the solvent will change when 1.00 mole of a nonvolatile nonionizing (nondissociating) solute dissolves in one kilogram of solvent.

How do you solve freezing point depression?


  1. Step 1: Calculate the freezing point depression of benzene. Tf = (Freezing point of pure solvent) – (Freezing point of solution)
  2. Step 2 : Calculate the molal concentration of the solution. molality = moles of solute / kg of solvent.
  3. Step 3: Calculate Kf of the solution. Tf = (Kf) (m)

What does low freezing point mean?

The effect of adding a solute to a solvent has the opposite effect on the freezing point of a solution as it does on the boiling point. A solution will have a lower freezing point than a pure solvent. The freezing point is the temperature at which the liquid changes to a solid.

What is M in freezing point depression?

Kf is the molal freezing point depression constant of the solvent (1.86 °C/m for water). m = molality = moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.

Is freezing point depression in Kelvin?

A solution will solidfy (freeze) at a lower temperature than the pure solvent. This is the colligative property called freezing point depression….Freezing Point Depression.

Substance Kf
carbon tetrachloride 30.
ethyl ether 1.79
water 1.86

What is the normal freezing point?

32 °F.

What is a freezing point?

Freezing point, temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid. As with the melting point, increased pressure usually raises the freezing point. The freezing point is lower than the melting point in the case of mixtures and for certain organic compounds such as fats.

Can ice be colder than 32?

The temperature of ice varies just like the temperature of any other solid substance–within the physical limitations of its solid state. Just as the temperature of water varies between 32 (degrees) and 212 (degrees) (its freezing and boiling points), the temperature of ice ranges from 32 (degrees) downward.

How cold is water under ice?

Most of the water under the ice is 39 Fahrenheit; however, there is a thin layer of water under the ice that is colder than 39 and therefore less dense.

What’s the hottest thing on earth?

By zapping a piece of aluminum with the world’s most powerful x-ray laser, physicists have heated matter to 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit (2 million degrees Celsius)—making it briefly the hottest thing on Earth. Only locations such as the heart of the sun or the center of a nuclear explosion are hotter.