What is the slang meaning of Muff?

What is the slang meaning of Muff?

Muff has been slang for “vagina” since the 1690s, likening the female genitalia to the hand warmer. These included: debris caught in the vaginal area, vaginal discharge, and pronounced labia, à la the equally culinary and offensive beef curtains.

What does it mean to field someone?

[transitive] field somebody/something to provide a candidate, speaker, team, etc. to represent you in an election, a competition, etc. Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates.

Why is it called a field day?

The origin of the term ‘field day’ comes from the military and refers to maneuvers that took place in a field, but by the 1800s, the phrase was used to refer to any event that happened in a field, ranging from a hunt to a dance to a picnic to a scientific expedition.

What does work it mean in slang?

a phrase of encouragement or a compliment to a person engaging in some activity. The activity that prompts a call of “Work it!” is usually physical, e.g. dancing, walking, etc. Work it, girl!

What do we mean when we say something is doing work?

DOING WORK. UNIT OVERVIEW Whenever we use force to move something, we are doing work. Pushing, pulling, lifting, turning, and twisting are all examples of work. The Doing Work unit helps students explore the concepts of work and force.

What does it mean to work on someone?

to try to persuade or influence someone: [ + to infinitive ] I’m working on my father to get him to take me to the airport.

What does working yourself up mean?

phrasal verb. If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something. She worked herself up into a bit of a state.

What’s another word for working on?

What is another word for work on?

develop hone
work hard at build on
brush up on enrich
form brush up
rehearse repeat

What words mean complete?

Synonyms of ‘complete’

  • total, absolute, consummate, outright, perfect, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter.
  • finished, accomplished, achieved, concluded, ended.
  • entire, all, faultless, full, intact, plenary, unbroken, whole.

Were completed or was completed?

Therefore, something is complete, or something has been or was completed. Therefore, Action Item A is complete (adjective), or Action Item A was completed (past tense verb). Action Item A “is completed” is wrong, although “is being completed” or “is going to be completed” are proper verb forms.

Is to be completed meaning?

The word “completed” is the verb and as a verb it means “finished/perfected”, for example: The updates are complete and there is nothing more to do, therefore the updates have been completed. It’s important to note that the sentence includes the phrase “by next Friday”.

Had been completed meaning?

“ had been completed” is used in the Passive Voice corresponding to an Active Voice sentence in ‘Past Perfect’ Tense. e.g. I had completed my homework, before I went to bed yesterday. The corresponding Passive Voice sentence would be: My homework had been completed by me before I went to bed yesterday.