What is the significance of southernization?

What is the significance of southernization?

By 1200, the process of southernization had created a prosperous south from China to the Islamic Mediterranean, based on mathematics, the pioneering of new ocean routes and ‘discoveries’ of bullion and crops such as sugar, cotton and spices.

How is South defined in southernization?

The spread of south asian innovation and things to the rest of the world. How is the :South: defined in her article? Countries such as China, Malaysia, Southeast Asia and India. Only $2.99/month. List the agricultural, mineral, and manufactured products and the inventions that she associates with “southernization”

What is southernization AP world history?

Southernization refers to certain developments that first occurred in Southern Asia and then spread to other places. It could be argued that by 1200, southernization had created an eastern hemisphere characterized by a rich south and a north that was poor in comparison.

How did southernization impact Westernization?

Southernization tied the world together and led to the spread of resources, goods and ideas that made the globalized trade networks and modern world possible. Without access to steel, the compass, printing, gunpowder, cotton, sugar and spices from Asia, Westernization by Europeans would never have happened.

Why is westernization so well known?

Westernization reached much of the world as part of the process of colonialism and continues to be a significant cultural phenomenon as a result of globalization.

Do you agree with Lynda Shaffer’s thesis on the importance of southernization and Westernization Why?

They couldn’t grow many crops associated with the trade; southernization in the climate they inhabited was difficult until they took over the colonies. Do you agree with her thesis? Why or why not? Yes, because it makes sense that Southernization was the bedrock of Westernization.

What is the thesis of southernization by Lynda Shaffer?

Shaffer’s thesis in the article is that southernization caused everywhere from Islam to China to become prosperous through trade.

Do you agree with Shaffer’s thesis?

Yes, I do agree with her thesis, because she stated that the process of “Southernization” resulted in a thriving Southern Asia, and it did in fact. Through the process of spreading ideas developed in China, India and Malaysia, these countries slowly became powerful and wealthy.

What is Shaffer’s argument?

Lesson 5 Student Handout 5.1–Summary of essay by Lynda Shaffer titled “Southernization.” Her argument is that southernization preceded westernization and that the economic development of Europe was dependent on Asian inventions and ideas.

Who were the Malay sailors?

The Malay sailors were southeast Asian seafarers who sailed the South China Sea around the Malay archipelago. Many of the sailors converted to Islam in the fifteenth century.

How did the Mongolian conquest impact southernization?

“By 1200 the process of southernization had created a prosperous south from China to the Muslim Mediterranean.” The Mongol conquests then helped to southernize northern regions across Eurasia.

What commodities were being transported through the Indian Ocean to where from where?

These included Kilwa, Sofala, Mombasa, Malindi, and others. The city-states traded with inland kingdoms like Great Zimbabwe to obtain gold, ivory, and iron. These materials were then sold to places like India, Southeast Asia, and China. These were Africa’s exports in the Indian Ocean Trade.

Which Indian Coast is best for the marine trade with USA?

The Indian peninsula is surrounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south-west and the Bay of Bengal on the south-east, making it ideal for sea trade.

What goods were traded in the Indian Ocean?

Long before Europeans “discovered” the Indian Ocean, traders from Arabia, Gujarat, and other coastal areas used triangle-sailed dhows to harness the seasonal monsoon winds. Domestication of the camel helped bring coastal trade goods such as silk, porcelain, spices, incense, and ivory to inland empires, as well.

Who controlled Indian Ocean trade?

Portuguese Portugal’s

What caused the Indian Ocean trade to grow?

Root Causes of Indian Ocean Trade In fact, knowledge of monsoon winds (when they blew at what times) was huge in making Indian Ocean trade happen. Once sailors could utilize where the monsoons were blowing at what times, they could make those winds blow their sails to wherever they wanted to go!

Why was the Indian Ocean trade so successful?

One of the reasons Indian Ocean trade took off is that there were a wide range of resources available and a wide range of import needs — from ivory to timber to books to grain. But the most important thing was the wind. The Indian Ocean is home to a set of very special winds called Monsoons.

What diseases were spread on the Indian Ocean trade?

. David Arnold in ‘The Indian Ocean as a Disease Zone, 1500-1950’ discusses the diffusion of cholera, smallpox, plague and influenza in the Indian Ocean area.

How did trade lead to cultural diffusion?

The first way is through trade. When various areas of the world trade goods, these goods are incorporated into different cultures where they may not have been before. The goods can be adopted or adapted for use in these new areas. Warfare can also lead to cultural diffusion.

What diseases spread on the Silk Road?

The Silk Road has often been blamed for the spread of infectious diseases such as bubonic plague, leprosy and anthrax by travellers between East Asia, the Middle East and Europe (Monot et al., 2009, Schmid et al., 2015, Simonson et al., 2009).

How did monsoons affect Indian Ocean trade?

Monsoon winds made trading across the Indian Ocean easier because they made trading more predictable and less dangerous. Without the monsoons when people could only rely sails and ors there was the possibility that their goods wouldn’t make it on time and would go bad, or that the ship we sink.

What technological developments helped the Indian Ocean trade be successful?

What technological developments helped the Indian Ocean trade become successful? The ability to know direction with a compass and knowing your latitude with an astrolabe. Ships were also improved to be more stable.

Why is the Indian Ocean trading network less famous well known?

The Indian Ocean trade network is also a lot less famous than the Silk Road. The monsoon winds had the special role of taking the boats from place to place in the Indian Ocean trade network. These winds were very constant because they came with the seasons.

What are some of the reasons the Indian Ocean trade took off and was so popular?

What are some of the reasons the Indian Ocean Trade took off and was so popular? They were seasonal and consistent. Monsoons would help carry ships from Africa to India between April and September. Muslim merchants because they had money to build ships.

How did the Portuguese impact Indian Ocean trade?

Portugal’s purpose in the Indian Ocean was to ensure the monopoly of the spice trade. Taking advantage of the rivalries that pitted Hindus against Muslims, the Portuguese established several forts and trading posts between 1500 and 1510.

How did the Portuguese impact maritime trade?

In conclusion, the Portuguese transformed and influenced the maritime trade system in the Indian Ocean by force. They took over trading cities, destroyed Muslim trade ships, and imposed taxes to get their way. Now the Portuguese are dominant in the region and are very wealthy.

How did the Portuguese dominated Indian Ocean trade?

The Portuguese government took immediate interest in the Swahili city-states. They sent more ships to the eastern coast of Africa with three goals: to take anything of value they could find, to force the kings of the city to pay taxes to Portuguese tax collectors, and to gain control over the entire Indian Ocean trade.

Why did the Portuguese not enjoy more success?

Why did the Portuguese not enjoy more success in their first voyage? The Portuguese had brought few goods of value to India, and the ruler expected gold in return for the spices that da Gama desired.

Which were the Portuguese colonies in India?

Portuguese India consisted of several isolated tracts: (1) the territory of Goa with the capital, a considerable area in the middle of the west coast of India; (2) Damão, or Daman, with the separated territories of Dadrá and Nagar Haveli, north of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and lying between the Indian states of …