
What is the service fee for Greyhound?

What is the service fee for Greyhound?


Is there a bathroom in Greyhound bus?

Yes, there are bathrooms on all Greyhound buses. They are located at the rear of the bus. They are pretty basic and only contain a toilet and hopefully some toilet paper.

Can you drink on a Greyhound bus?

A few dos and don’ts for riding Greyhound There’s no smoking allowed on the bus (it’s against federal law). But don’t worry, our buses stop about every two hours so you can have a smoke outside. Absolutely no alcohol, drugs or weapons anywhere on the bus (including in your under the bus baggage).

Does greyhound use metal detectors?

Greyhound said that while it does not use metal detectors at all of its locations, its safety practices are similar to other bus companies. Drivers and terminal employees also are trained on security procedures. That’s true even though vastly more people get on a bus, train or subway than on planes each day.

Can you carry a concealed weapon on public transportation?

The absence of an explicit exception for public transportation in the Concealed Carry Statute means that the state cannot forbid licensed citizens from bringing weapons on public transportation. The purpose of the Concealed Carry Statute is to allow a broad authorization to carry weapons.

Can I bring pepper spray on a Greyhound bus?

You aren’t allowed to bring pepper spray (you’ll see the signs in the stations because this is considered a weapon that you could use against the driver, and if your crossing into Canada on the trip it will give you hassles at the border.

Can I take paint on a bus?

Customers are welcome to carry liquids/paints as long as it is in a sealed container placed within another bag.

How much luggage can you take on a train?

Specifically, all ticketed Amtrak passengers are permitted two free carry-on bags, provided that they don’t weigh more than 50 pounds each or measure any larger than 28″ x 22 x 14″ each. Carry-on sizes are a little bigger than what you get on most airlines.

How much do you tip a train attendant?

The Complete North American Train Travel Guide,” recommends $5 per passenger per night for sleeping-car attendants, and the standard 15 percent of what the meals would cost if you paid (prices are on the menu) outright.