What is the same rule in ff8?

What is the same rule in ff8?

When a card is placed touching two or more other cards (one or both of them have to be the opposite color), and the touching sides of each card is the same (8 touching 8 for example), then the other two cards are flipped. Combo rule applies.

What is plus Triple Triad?

With Plus, you add adjacent numbers (each side is separate); if they have the same sum, you capture each card. Example: Another field with two red cards. We’ll place a blue card at the top left.

How do you abolish Triple Triad rules?

If the Card Queen is not in Dollet, do the following:

  1. Do the same as the above, but now challenge the girl to a game and decline four times. Play on the fifth time, but again quit the Triple Triad game without choosing cards or playing.
  2. This should change the rules!

How do you get rid of random rule?

To abolish a rule, simply find a region that has a ruling the region you wish to play in does NOT have and play a game (or get to the match up screen and then quit). Return back to the other region and save. Now find someone to play against and say YES to mixing rules and then quit at the match up screen.

How do you move queen of cards?

The Queen moves when the number of rare cards in her possession changes. You can get her to move by losing a rare card to her, then winning it back in the next region to move her again.

How do you move queen of cards to Dollets?

User Info: TeraFlare93

  1. Save in Deling City Hotel.
  2. Hard reset and load that game file.
  3. Quit the hotel and go back inside.
  4. Challenge the queen twice, refuse both times, challenge a third time, play, and lose your rare card (Chicobo in my case).
  5. Then she should move to Dollet.

How do I get a quistis card?


  1. Win from any one of the Trepies in the Balamb Garden classroom or cafeteria.
  2. Win from the CC Group in the Ragnarok airship in endgame.

How do you get the sacred card back in ff8?

After the queen has said that the new card is out in the world somewhere, the player can win Sacred back from the queen’s son, the kid in the artist’s atelier across the street from the Dollet pub.

How many queens are in a deck of cards?

4 Queens

How do I get back to balamb?

User Info: super_burb_zap. You can go to Timber and see if the train going to Balamb is working. If not, you will get there in disc 2. Balamb Garden won’t be fully normal even when you get there until probably after a boss fight.

Can you get back to balamb Disc 1?

No you can’t return to Balamb on Disc 1 after you go to Timber.

Where is the captain in Final Fantasy 8?

Talk to the soldier near the gas station and walk around nearby until he questions you. Go to The Dincht’s, enter the room on the right. Head for the Hotel, talk to the Galbadian Soldiers standing outside, and find the Captain. The soldiers outside the Hotel will tell you the Captain is currently on patrol.

How do you get Lionheart in FF8?

How to get Lionheart, Squall’s Ultimate Gunblade, very early in FF8

  1. Step 0: Keep your party’s levels below 20 until you obtain Lion Heart.
  2. Step 1: Acquire the ‘Quezacotl’ GF and learn ‘Card’ and ‘Card Mod’
  3. Step 2: Get acquainted with ‘Triple Triad’
  4. Step 3: Acquire the ‘Ifrit’ Guardian Force and ‘Ifrit’ card.

How much health does T Rexaur have in ff8?


Level HP Str
1 10,363 17
100 76,000 239

What is the highest SeeD rank ff8?


How do you beat the T Rex in Final Fantasy 8?

Once you get Siren and ST-Atk Junction and play cards to get Death magic, put them all together and you can one hit kill T-Rex.