What is the oxidation number for the C atom in CH4?

What is the oxidation number for the C atom in CH4?


What is the oxidation state of S in SO2?


What is the oxidation state of Zn in ZnSO4?


Is the oxidation state of oxygen?

The oxidation state of the oxygen is -2, and the sum of the oxidation states is equal to the charge on the ion….Determining oxidation states.

Element Usual oxidation state Exceptions
Oxygen Usually -2 Peroxides and F2O (see below)
Hydrogen Usually +1 Metal hydrides (-1) (see below)

What is the common oxidation state of lanthanides and actinides?


What is the oxidation state of D block elements?

Why lanthanides do not show variable oxidation state?

Scandium and zinc does not show variable oxidation states. Lanthanoids display a limited number of oxidation states because the energy difference between 4f, 5d, and 6s orbitals is quite large. On the other hand, the energy difference between 5f, 6d, and 7s orbitals is very less.

Why do lanthanides show 3 oxidation states?

Answer: The most common and stable oxidation state of Lanthanides is +3.It is attained by removing outermost 2 electrons of 6s electrons and 1 electron from 4f electrons. It is due to high energy difference in 4f and 6s, it is difficult to remove more electrons from 4f sub-shell.

Why does cerium Show 4 oxidation state?

Complete step by step answer: The atomic number of cerium is 58 and it is a soft, white- silvery element. So to achieve the inert gas configuration it can lose the outermost four electrons present in s and f orbitals. Therefore the oxidation state of cerium (Ce) is +4 .

Which lanthanide shows 4 oxidation states?

These f-block elements form complexes in which the metals usually exist in the +3 or, more recently, +2 oxidation states. The only lanthanide known to form molecular Ln4+ compounds was cerium.

Which is the general oxidation state shown by actinides?

What is variable oxidation state?

A variable oxidation state is a value that determines the charge of the atom depending on certain conditions. If one element in the reaction has oxidized, the other must be reduced. To put it more simply, if one element has given up electrons, then another element must accept them.

Does scandium show variable oxidation state?

The element scandium (Z=21) does not exhibit variable oxidation state and yet it is regarded as a transition element.

Does zinc exhibit variable oxidation state?

Solution : Zinc contains completely filled d-orbitals and exhibit stable electronic configuration, therefore it does not easily lose their electrons and hence, does not exhibit variable valency.

How do you find the oxidation state of scandium?


Which element among 3d shows highest oxidation state?


What is the trend in oxidation state of transition metals?

The highest possible oxidation state, corresponding to the formal loss of all valence electrons, becomes increasingly less stable as we go from group 3 to group 8, and it is never observed in later groups. In the transition metals, the stability of higher oxidation states increases down a column.

What are inner transition elements?

What are Inner Transition Elements? The elements constituting the f-block are those in which 4f and 5f orbitals are progressively filled. These elements are formal members of group 3 but are shown separately as f-block of the periodic table. The elements of f-block are also called inner transition elements.