
What is the other name for Greensleeves?

What is the other name for Greensleeves?


What Christmas song is also known as Greensleeves?

What Child Is This?

Why is Greensleeves called Greensleeves?

One such example combines the title of the song with the ‘gown of green’ idea: “Greensleeves” was a nickname for London prostitutes who took their customers to the park, did what they were paid for on the grass and thus had grass stains on the elbows of their sleeves.

What instrument was Greensleeves written for?


What key is Greensleeves?

E minor

Is Greensleeves major or minor?

It’s modal. There are not “major” or “minor” versions of the song. It’s either in the Dorian mode (which you are hearing as “major”) or the aeolian mode (which you are calling “minor”). There is no major third; you are hearing a raised 6th in the Dorian mode (when compared to the aeolian mode).

What tempo is Greensleeves?

82 BPM

What is the key signature of E minor?

E minor is a minor scale based on E, consisting of the pitches E, F♯, G, A, B, C, and D. Its key signature has one sharp. Its relative major is G major and its parallel major is E major.

What is the Dorian mode in music?

The dorian scale is a type of minor mode which means that the 3rd note of the scale is lowered by a semitone (half step). It also has a flattened 7th note.

What is an Aeolian scale?

The Aeolian mode is a musical mode or, in modern usage, a diatonic scale also called the natural minor scale. Its ascending interval form consists of a key note, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step.

What is the saddest sounding scale?

The minor scale is the pattern in western music typically associated with sad feelings. It includes three different variations called the natural minor scale (or Aeolian mode), the melodic minor scale and the harmonic minor scale.

What is the darkest scale?

In this new video, Rick shows us what he calls “the darkest scale ever”, the Double Harmonic Major scale. It’s a scale that features a b2 and major 7, which puts a cluster of 2 half steps right in a row (so 3 notes right next to each other), which makes it sound pretty gnarly.

Which key is higher C or G?

the key of C is a perfect fourth higher than the key of G, or a perfect fifth below it.