What is the origin of heyday?

What is the origin of heyday?

Etymology. Late 16th century, from earlier heyda (1520s), as exclamation – compare hey, hei. Sense “period of success, vigor” from 1751, which respelt as heyday based on unrelated day (as “period of time”) – compare day in the sun.

What is the meaning of hay?

(Entry 1 of 4) 1 : herbage and especially grass mowed and cured for fodder. 2 : reward. 3 slang : bed.

How is hay baled?

Hay can be raked into rows as it is cut, then turned periodically to dry, particularly if a modern swather is used. Or, especially with older equipment or methods, the hay is cut and allowed to lie spread out in the field until it is dry, then raked into rows for processing into bales afterwards.

Is it hay bale or hay bail?

Here are the most common uses of the words: Bale is a large bound stack of material, such as hay or leather; Bail is the security deposit that’s paid if someone who’s been temporarily released from jail pending a trial doesn’t appear in court.

When should you Tedder hay?

Use a hay tedder. It is used after cutting and before windrowing, and uses moving forks to aerate the hay thus speeding up the process of hay-making. The use of a tedder allows the hay to dry (“cure”) better. The proper use of a hay tedder can substantially increase the drying rate of a hay crop (by 15-30%).

Can hay spontaneously combust?

The interface between dry hay and wet hay is an ideal spot for spontaneous combustion. As a wet or green spot of hay in a mow or a large bale heats, moisture is driven into the surrounding dry hay. The area where the wet and dry hay touch, has the heat, dampness and insulation necessary to start a fire.

How do you check moisture in hay?

Weigh the dry hay to determine the “dry weight.” Divide the dry weight by the wet weight, and convert to a percent number. Subtract this number from 100 to get your moisture content percentage.

Can grass hay be too bale dry?

Some types of grass hay, in dry weather conditions or on dry ground, will be much too dry when baled as small bales using the eight to 15 percent moisture (the traditional rule of thumb) as a guide. Some of this grass hay produces the best quality bales when baled at 24 to 30 percent moisture.

How many days does it take for hay to dry?

three days

How do you know when hay is ready to bake?

Hay that springs open and fluffs out upon release is at the right moisture concentration and is ready to be baled. If hay is too dry, wait until the humidity increases in the evening before baling.

How can I dry hay fast?

Another method Kaatz suggests for making hay dry faster is to use a tedder. A tedder, which works especially well with grasses, will fluff the windrow or swath and allow air to flow through it more easily. The additional air dries the hay faster, but Kaatz advises not to use a tedder on partially dried alfalfa.

Is it OK to cut hay in the rain?

Rainfall will extend the length of time that the hay is wetter than 50% moisture, leading to more loss of sugars from respiration. Rainfall also leaches the soluble sugars from hay, he explains. In the 1980 research, 1 inch of rain that fell soon after cutting had little negative impact on forage digestibility.

Can you bale hay at night?

Avoid baling when hay moisture is too low or too high to reduce leaf shatter and nutrient losses. Drost says he generally starts baling at about 13% at night when the dew comes on, and quits in the morning at about 11 or 12% as the dew goes off.

Can hay bales get rained on?

High moisture bales tend not to store very well as they undergo heating, and dry matter losses occur. These bales will lose their shape, making them more vulnerable to damage from subsequent rain because they will not effectively shed water. Storing high-moisture hay in a barn still comes with some risk.

Can horse hay get rained on?

Rained-on hay can be a suitable forage, especially for horses prone to laminitis. Forage quality tends to be retained if: The rain occurs soon after cutting when the forage has had little time to dry. The rainfall was a single, short event.

Can switching Hay cause colic?

A change in the type of hay may cause colic for many reasons. Hay of poor quality is often less digestible, predisposing to impaction. Changing types of hay as in alfalfa and bermuda, may be related to colonic pH changes resulting from calcium differences in the two hays.

What do I do if my hay bales get wet?

“Driving over the field repeatedly — trying to turn hay to hasten its drying — will injure regrowth and can cause soil compaction, especially if the ground is wet and soft.” Anderson recommends moving the hay any way possible — bale it; chop it, or even blow it back on the ground as mulch.

Can wet hay cause a fire?

“Excessive moisture is the most common cause of hay fires,” Schroeder says.” Odd as it might seem, wet hay is more likely to lead to a spontaneous-combustion fire than dry hay.” High-moisture haystacks and bales can catch on fire because they have chemical reactions that build heat.

How long do hay bales last outside?

three years

What can I do with old hay bales?

Uses for Old or Spoiled Hay

  1. Build a hay or straw bale garden.
  2. Use the bales like bricks to build a compost pile.
  3. Mulch your garden.
  4. Use the bales as seats for an outdoor event such as Calgary Stampede, a country wedding, picnic or BBQ.