
What is the opposite of unswerving?

What is the opposite of unswerving?

What are the antonyms for UNSWERVING? inverse, unreliable, indirect, inconstant, retrograde, ambiguous, alternating.

What is another word for annexation?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for annexation, like: attachment, expansion, occupation, addition, increase, incorporation, relinquishment, subtraction, detachment, appropriation and annexure.

What is the opposite of reciprocate?

Antonyms: absolve, acquit, excuse, forget, forgive, neglect, overlook, pardon, pardon, pass over, slight. Synonyms: avenge, compensate, pay, pay off, punish, quit, recompense, remunerate, repay, requite, retaliate, return, revenge, reward, satisfy, settle with.

What’s another word for unification?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unification, like: alliance, combination, hookup, joining, linkage, merger, union, unity, division, segregation and separation.

What does unification mean?

: the act, process, or result of bringing or coming together into or as if into a single unit or group unification of a divided nation.

What does Enosis mean?

Enosis (Greek: Ένωσις, IPA: [ˈenosis], “union”) is the movement of various Greek communities that live outside Greece for incorporation of the regions that they inhabit into the Greek state.

What is the antonym of solidarity?

Opposite of a feeling of belonging. alienation. loneliness. lonesomeness. solitariness.

What does solidarity mean?

community of interests, objectives, and standards

What are three examples of the opposite of solidarity?

antonyms of solidarity

  • disagreement.
  • antagonism.
  • discord.
  • divorce.
  • separation.

How do you show solidarity in your community?

This article outlines practical ways you can show solidarity with your Black colleagues.

  1. Acknowledge what has happened even if you’re uncomfortable. White supremacy and police brutality aren’t easy topics to talk about.
  2. Educate yourself and others.
  3. Use your voice.
  4. Avoid making isolating remarks.
  5. Get involved.

What is an example of ingenuity?

Inventive skill or imagination; cleverness. The definition of ingenuity is the quality of being clever, creative or imaginative. An example of ingenuity is Steve Job’s inventions of the iPhone and iPad.

What does human ingenuity mean?

Human ingenuity is the way in which human minds have influenced how we think, work, play, construct and conduct friendships and other relationships, interact with each other, find solutions to problems, cause problems, transform things and rationalize thought.

What is a person’s ingenuity?

1a : skill or cleverness in devising or combining : inventiveness. b : cleverness or aptness of design or contrivance. 2 : an ingenious device or contrivance. 3 obsolete : candor, ingenuousness. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about ingenuity.

What does windswept mean?

swept by or as if by wind

What does sharecropper mean?

: a tenant farmer especially in the southern U.S. who is provided with credit for seed, tools, living quarters, and food, who works the land, and who receives an agreed share of the value of the crop minus charges..

What does strawberry sharecropper mean?

The sharecropper is a straw man, an intermediary, usually a middle-aged farm worker, to whom the grower shifts many of the legal and financial risks. In the Strawberry Fields.

How do you spell sharecropper?

A sharecropper is a tenant farmer, someone who works land that’s rented from its owner. Typically, a sharecropper will pay the landowner with part of the harvest, rather than money.

What’s a synonym for sharecropper?

tenant farmer nounfarmer of rented land. crofter. metayer. peasant farmer. sharecropper.

What is the opposite of unearthed?

Opposite of to have discovered something either by chance or intention. misplaced. lost. displaced. mislaid.