What is the opposite of unproductive?

What is the opposite of unproductive?

unproductive(adj) not producing or capable of producing. “elimination of high-cost or unproductive industries” Antonyms: fertile, effective, amentaceous, arable, oil-bearing, nut-bearing, tillable, productive, fur-bearing, effectual, cultivable, rich, cultivatable, prolific, amentiferous, fecund, efficacious.

Is unproductive a word?

Something that is unproductive does not produce any good results. Research workers are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive. Collins!

What is unproductive day?

You set your tasks in the morning and start at it. But you get distracted. Or someone distracts you. Before you know it, you’ve been busy all day but it’s already 5pm and none of those tasks have been completed.

How can I be unproductive?

12 Ways to Quickly Become Unproductive

  1. Keep everything in your head. Your brain counts the tasks like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, lots.
  2. Keep everything equally important.
  3. Use distractions.
  4. Get rid of emotions.
  5. Use only one brain hemisphere.
  6. Never say “no”
  7. Focus on your weaknesses.
  8. Do everything yourself.

How do I stop being unproductive?

How to Stop Being Lazy

  1. Find Your Ideal Self.
  2. Ditch Old Habits.
  3. Focus on Health.
  4. Make Good Food Choices.
  5. Incorporate Exercise.
  6. Prioritize Sleep.
  7. Practice Stress Management.

What is the synonym of unproductive?

SYNONYMS. fruitless, futile, vain, idle, useless, worthless, valueless, pointless, ineffective, ineffectual, to no effect, impotent, inefficacious, unprofitable, unremunerative, unrewarding.

How do I waste time?

As the old adage goes “μηδὲν ἄγαν” (nothing in excess), which appears at Delphi, and that works for time-wasting too!

  • Learn something useless.
  • Spend countless hours on YouTube.
  • Never turn off the TV.
  • Read all the junk emails in your inbox.
  • Get lost.
  • Stand in line and wait.
  • Excessively post on social media.

How do people waste 45 minutes?

Here are 20 ways to waste 45 minutes:

  1. Approximately 1 “hour long” TV show – without commercials.
  2. Approximately 2 “half-hour long” TV shows – without commercials.
  3. Any combination of YouTube videos totaling 45 minutes.
  4. Scroll mindlessly through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
  5. Go back circa 2010 and use StumbleUpon.

Is it bad to waste time?

There is a thin line between good and bad wasting of time, however. Bad wasting time would be doing trivial and unproductive tasks. Other bad wastes of time are activities where nothing is learned or procrastinating when you shouldn’t. Simply put, wasting time can be beneficial when you need to recharge.

What activities are a waste of time?

25 Time Wasting Activities You’re Doing Everyday

  • Procrastinating. Procrastinating by making excuses, which in turn makes you dread the task you delay and then makes you feel guilty later on.
  • Whining. You will not get what you want if you’re a whiner.
  • Unnecessary Chat.
  • Gossiping.
  • Pointless Long Waits.
  • Unproductive Longing At The Fridge.
  • Doing other People’s Work.
  • Worrying.

What wastes the most time?

Here are 29 Ways You’re Wasting Time Today:

  • Complaining. No one gets what they want by whining.
  • Commuting during rush hour. Time-shift your drive for less traffic.
  • Gossiping. It never gets the work done.
  • Doing other people’s work.
  • Watching TV.
  • Hanging out with negative people.
  • Procrastinating.
  • Indecision.

What is the biggest time waster?

10 Biggest Time Wasters in 2019

  • Disorganized Files. We live at at a time when most of our files are electronic, especially the work ones.
  • Phone.
  • Comparing Ourselves to Others.
  • Not Having a Plan.
  • Working on Multiple Tasks at the Same Time.
  • Not Asking Questions to Clarify.
  • Not Having Routines.
  • Lack of Checklists and Templates.

What is wasted time?

“Wasting time is about recharging your battery and de-cluttering,” he says. At the end of the day, all of us have the urge to while away time flicking through a magazine, walking around the block, or simply doing nothing. We should embrace these moments, and see them as what they are: time well spent.

Why is time wasted?

Wasting time because you do not want to do something when you could have already completed the task with the time you’ve wasted is time you will never get back. Procrastinating is very common, but such a detriment to progress and efficiency.

What’s a word for waste of time?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for waste-time, like: procrastinate, fritter away time, loiter, dawdle, dillydally, pass-the-time, lollygag, delay, burn daylight, loaf and lose time.

What’s the opposite of wasting time?

What is the opposite of wasting time?

forging ahead hurrying
increasing speed advancing rapidly
progressing quickly making swift progress
putting a spurt on

What is the opposite of wasted?

What is the opposite of wasted?

sober straight
clean abstemious
teetotal moderate
dry non-drinking
cold sober self-abnegating

What is the synonym of wasted?

SYNONYMS. squandered, misspent, misdirected, misused, dissipated, frittered away. pointless, useless, unnecessary, needless, not needed. informal blown, splurged. 2’a wasted opportunity’

What is the opposite of Wasting?

What is the opposite of wasting?

improving progressive
expanding growing

Is it wasted or waisted?

“Waist” is the middle part of the body. “Waste” means “rubbish” “garbage” or “to expend without reason.”

What does wasted drunk mean?

1. “Wasted” generally means taking too much of any drug (mind altering substance). ” Drunk” means drinking to much alcohol. It can also mean feeling as if you have had too much alcohol as in “love drunk”.

What does I m wasted mean?

“Wasted” is a slang term often used to describe a person who is under the influence of drugs or who has engaged in heavy drinking of alcoholic substances. To be “wasted” is to have your thoughts–and probably your reflexes, balance, etc. –strongly affected or impaired because of drugs or alcohol.

How do you spell waste on your body?

Waist is a noun that refers to a part of the human body.

  1. Waste is excess material.
  2. Waist is a part of the human body.

How do you spell clap?

verb (used without object), clapped, clap·ping. to clap the hands, as to express approval; applaud: After the audience stopped clapping, the tenor sang two encores. to make an abrupt, sharp sound, as of flat surfaces striking against one another: The shutters clapped in the wind.