What is the name of CLBR?

What is the name of CLBR?

It is a very reactive golden yellow gas with boiling point 5 °C and melting point −66 °C….Bromine monochloride.

Chemical formula BrCl
Molar mass 115.357 g/mol
Density 2.172 g/cm3
Melting point −54 °C (−65 °F; 219 K)

What is the name of the compound BrCl?

Bromine chloride

When bromine reacts with chlorine bromine monochloride is formed?

Br2 + Cl2 → 2BrCl Bromine react with chlorine to produce bromine(I) chloride. This reaction takes place at a temperature near 0°C. This reaction is proceeds in the gas phase or in the tetrachloromethane.

Is BrCl aqueous?

BrCl can be prepared by the reaction in the gas phase or in aqueous hydrochloric acid solution….Interhalogen Compounds And Their Properties.

Molecular weight 115.37
Boiling point (°C) 5
Density (g/cc), 200 C 2.34
Heat of fusion (cal/g) 17.6
Heat of vaporization (cal/g) 53.2

What is the action of bromine on magnesium metal?

Solution. Bromine reacts with magnesium to form magnesium bromide.

Is magnesium bromide an acid or base?

Salts Debriefing

Ammonium sulfide, (NH4)2S acidic basic neutral
Magnesium bromide, MgBr2 acidic basic neutral
Methyl ammonium fluoride, CH3NH3F acidic basic neutral
Potassium chloride, KCl acidic basic neutral
Sodium nitrite, NaNO2 acidic basic neutral

Is magnesium bromide a metal or nonmetal?

Magnesium bromide (T3D1739)

Record Information
Description belongs to the class of inorganic compounds known as alkaline earth metal bromides. These are inorganic compounds in which the largest halogen atom is Bromine, and the heaviest metal atom a lanthanide.
Kingdom Inorganic compounds

What is the chemical formula for the compound formed between magnesium and bromine?


What is the formula of CS?

Carbon monosulfide

PubChem CID 108054
Structure Find Similar Structures
Molecular Formula CS
Synonyms Carbon monosulfide Carbon sulfide methanidylidynesulfanium sulfidocarbon 2944-05-0 More…
Molecular Weight 44.08 g/mol

What is the formula of magnesium ion?

Magnesium ion

PubChem CID 888
Structure Find Similar Structures
Molecular Formula Mg+2
Synonyms magnesium ion Magnesium cation magnesium(2+) Magnesium, ion (Mg2+) Mg++ More…
Molecular Weight 24.305 g/mol

What is magnesium most commonly used for?

Magnesium is used in products that benefit from being lightweight, such as car seats, luggage, laptops, cameras and power tools. It is also added to molten iron and steel to remove sulfur. As magnesium ignites easily in air and burns with a bright light, it’s used in flares, fireworks and sparklers.

What are three properties of magnesium?

The Physical Properties of Magnesium are as follows:

  • Color : Silvery-white metal.
  • Phase : Solid.
  • Crystalline structure : Hexagonal.
  • Ductility : It can be beaten into extremely thin sheets.
  • Malleability : Capable of being shaped or bent.
  • Luster : Exhibits a shine or glow.
  • Hardness : Relatively soft.

What property does magnesium metal?

Physical Properties: Magnesium is a shiny, silver or gray colored metal that is light in weight and strong. Th density of magnesium is 1.738 g/mL, which means the metal will sink in water, but it is still relatively light weight.

Can a magnesium fire be put out?

You can put out a magnesium fire, if you are trained and confident doing so, by using a Class D fire extinguisher that is specifically designed to extinguish flammable metal fires.

What can put out a magnesium fire?

Burning magnesium is usually quenched by using a Class D dry chemical fire extinguisher, or by covering the fire with sand to remove its air source

What is the hardest fire to put out?

Class C fires

Can magnesium burn through metal?

Because metals burn without releasing cooling gases, they can potentially burn at extremely high temperatures. Reactive metals such as magnesium can easily reach temperatures sufficiently high for thermite ignition.