What is the name of CA BrO3 2?

What is the name of CA BrO3 2?

Calcium bromate

What is the chemical formula for calcium?


What is the total number of atoms in the compound CA BrO3 2?

Composition of Ca(BrO3)2

Element Symbol # of Atoms
Calcium Ca 1
Bromine Br 2
Oxygen O 6

What is the correct Iupac name for CA bro2 2?

The molar mass of Cadmium Permanganate 350.2823….What is the correct Iupac name for CA bro2 2?

PubChem CID: 61478
Molecular Formula: Ca(BrO3)2 or Br2CaO6
Synonyms: Calcium bromate 7 UNII-QJ2S78C3RO QJ2S78C3RO Bromic acid, calcium salt More
Molecular Weight: 295.88 g/mol
Component Compounds: CID 5460341 (Calcium) CID 24445 (Bromic acid)

What is the percent of bromine in calcium Perbromate?


What is the correct Iupac name for co Bro 3?

Bromate | BrO3- – PubChem.

Is bromate an acid?

Bromic acid, also known as hydrogen bromate, is an oxoacid with the molecular formula HBrO3. It only exists in aqueous solution. It is a colorless solution that turns yellow at room temperature as it decomposes to bromine….Bromic acid.

Molar mass 128.91 g/mol
Acidity (pKa) −2
Conjugate base Bromate

What is the formula for Disulfur Difluoride?


What is the formula for Tetranitrogen Heptafluoride?

Tetranitrogen tetrasulfide | S4N4 – PubChem.

What is the correct formula for the salt used?

Sodium chloride , commonly known as salt (although sea salt also contains other chemical salts), is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and chloride ions.

What is the formula of Iron III bromide?


What type of bond is iron III sulfide?


What is the formula for chromium II oxide?


Is Iron III sulfide soluble in water?

Properties and Characteristics of Iron(III) Sulfide

General Properties
Molar Mass/Molecular Weight 207.87 g/mol
State of matter at room temperature Solid
Solubility Moderately soluble in acids
Solubility in Water Very slightly soluble in water

Is Iron III sulfide soluble or insoluble?

Ferric Sulfide (Iron(III) Sulfide) is a moderately water and acid soluble Iron source for uses compatible with sulfates.

Is Iron II sulfide soluble in water?

About Iron(II) Sulfide Most metal sulfate compounds are readily soluble in water for uses such as water treatment, unlike fluorides and oxides which tend to be insoluble. Organometallic forms are soluble in organic solutions and sometimes in both aqueous and organic solutions.