What is the moral lesson of the story Arachne?

What is the moral lesson of the story Arachne?

The lesson learned in life about Arachne is to stay humble and never thinks that you are better than the others. Arachne became famous because of her skill in embroidery. This recognition had changes her attitude towards the people around her including those of whom she considers her friends and co – workers.

What is the message of Arachne?

At its heart, Arachne is a story about pride and human limitation. An incredibly talented Weaver, Arachne is a young girl who feeds on the praise of her patrons. Eventually, youth and inexperience, coupled with consciousness of her superb gifts, causes Arachne to boast that her weaving is better even than Athena’s.

What is the moral in the myth of Athena and Arachne?

A Greek Myth M-The moral of the story “Athena & Arachne” is that you should nevr think of yourself as the best or be full of yourself.

What is the theme of the weaving contest?

The Theme. The theme is do not be arrogant because you make other people feel less than you. Minerva decided to compete against Arachne to re-claim the title ‘the goddess of the loom’. Minerva wove a tapestry showing the twelve greatest gods and goddess of Mount Olympus.

What do you think will happen to Arachne?

Answer: Arachne ended up as a spider. It is beacuse Athena got enraged with Arachne’s proclamations that she is the best weaver of all (even gods) and cursed her to become a spider.

Why does Athena turn Arachne into a spider?

When Athena could find no flaws in the tapestry Arachne had woven for the contest, the goddess became enraged and beat the girl with her shuttle. After Arachne hanged herself out of shame, she was transformed into a spider.

What is the characteristic of Arachne?

Arachne’s main trait is that she is extremely boastful. Arachne is far from modest, especially if she talks about her tapestries. Arachne does enjoy weaving, and weaving is far by her favorite thing to do.

What is Arachne famous for?

Character Overview. In Greek mythology , Arachne (pronounced uh-RAK-nee) was a peasant girl who became an expert spinner and weaver of cloth. No human could spin or weave as well as Arachne, or produce finer cloth. She became famous throughout Greece for her singular talent.

What is the mood of the story Arachne?

Answer Expert Verified The mood of the story of Arachne is proud or boastful while its tone is quite serious. In such way, the mood and tone of the story affects the over-all aura of the story because it somehow gives an initial judgement as to the quality or type of the story.

How does Arachne feel about her weaving skill?

Arachne feels about her weaving skills is that she is the best weaver or spinner in the entire world. She stood high receiving accolades from the people who approve of her work and thought that nobody can be as good as her because she is the only one who has the skills in the whole wide world.

What is the greatest skill of Arachne?

weaving skills

What tone is used in Arachne?


What does Arachne do that makes?

Arachne was a weaver who acquired such skill in her art that she ventured to challenge Athena, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason. Athena wove a tapestry depicting the gods in majesty, while that of Arachne showed their amorous adventures.

What is Arachne the goddess of?

ARACHNE: THE GREEK GODDESS WHO BECAME THE FIRST SPIDER Arachne, the goddess in Greek mythology who was the world’s first spider, was originally a young mortal, daughter of a shepherd famous for the beautiful wools that he dyed purple. Gifted in the art of weaving, Arachne became famous for her excellent tapestries.

What does it mean if you see a black spider?

It is interesting how so much power, mystery, fear, and amazement can be inspired by one small creepy, crawling creature. I’m talking about those little (or big) things hanging from webs; yes, spiders….Different Colored Spiders And Their Meanings.

Spider Color Meaning
Black Spider Meaning Shadow work, subconscious energy

What does it mean when spiders are attracted to you?

The spider represents strong feminine energy, creativity, patience, and strength. It also invites you to become more receptive and intuitive, and rely on your unique gifts to get you ahead in life. Don’t fear the spider – embrace it, and it will teach you many valuable lessons on your personal journey.