What is the molar mass of na2hpo4?

What is the molar mass of na2hpo4?

141.96 g/mol

What’s the molar mass of p4o10?

283.886 g/mol

What is the molar mass of pb3 po4 2?

811.5427 g/mol

What is the molar mass of bi2o3?

465.96 g/mol

Is Bi2O3 acidic or basic?

Bismuth oxide is considered a basic oxide, which explains the high reactivity with CO2. However, when acidic cations such as Si(IV) are introduced within the structure of the bismuth oxide, the reaction with CO2 do not occur.

Is bi2o3 soluble in acid?

Derived from the ignition of bismuth nitrate. Insoluble in water but soluble in acids.

Is sb2o3 acidic or basic?

It forms a basic oxide. This is because as we go down the group the metallic character increases. So, Bi has increased metallic character. Hence, it forms a basic oxide.

What is the name of Sb2O3?

Antimony(III) oxide

Is Sb2O3 amphoteric?

Antimony trioxide (sb2o3) is an amphoteric oxide.

What’s the molar mass of Sb2O3?

291.52 g/mol

Is Sb2O3 soluble?

Antimony is found as a Tri-Oxide (Sb2O3) powder which is insoluble in water. However, Sb2O5 is water soluble.

What is the formula for Diantimony trioxide?


Is antimony a carcinogen?

2.1. Antimony trioxide is classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [3].

What is antimony used for?

A lead-antimony alloy is used in batteries. Other uses of antimony alloys include type metal (in printing presses), bullets and cable sheathing. Antimony compounds are used to make flame-retardant materials, paints, enamels, glass and pottery. Antimony and many of its compounds are toxic.

Can antimony kill you?

Exposure to relatively high concentrations of antimony (9 mg/m3 of air) for a longer period of time can cause irritation of the eyes, skin and lungs. As the exposure continues more serious health effects may occur, such as lung diseases, heart problems, diarrhea, severe vomiting and stomach ulcers.