What is the molar mass of aspirin c9h8o4?

What is the molar mass of aspirin c9h8o4?

180.157 g/mol

What is the mass of an aspirin tablet?

The average mass of acetylsalicylic acid in the tablets is 317 mg. The mass of acetylsalicylic acid listed on an aspirin bottle is 325 mg, giving a small difference (2.46%) between the measured value and the amount given on the bottle.

How do you calculate moles of aspirin?

Calculate the moles of substance by dividing the mass of substance in grams by the molecular weight in amu. In this case, the aspirin tablet contains 250 mg, or 0.250 g. Therefore, 0.250 g ÷ 180.17 amu = 0.00139 moles of aspirin.

What does find the volume mean?

Volume is a measure of how much space an object takes up. Different shapes have different ways to find the volume. For example, in a cube we find the volume by multiplying the three side lengths together. In the cube above, the volume is 3×3×3 or 27. If you count the small cubes you will find there are 27 of them.

How do I find the volume of an irregular shape?

Steps to find the volume of irregular solids

  1. Break the solid down into shapes whose volume you know how to calculate (like polygons, cylinders, and cone).
  2. Calculate the volume of the small shapes.
  3. Add up all of the volumes to get the total volume of the shape.

What is the volume of irregular solid?

What is the formula to find the volume of an irregular object? There is no formula; however, you can take the object and place it in a jar of precisely measured water, then place the object in the water. Watch the amount of ml (or liters depending on how large the object is).

Do all 3D objects have volume?

3D shapes have volume: the amount of cubic space inside of them. To find volume, you basically need the three dimensions: length, width, and height. For prisms, the formulas are derived by taking the area of the shape at the end, and multiplying that times the figure’s height.

What is the formula of height?

The stick and its shadow make a triangle similar to the height of the object of interest and the length of its shadow. So, “H/S = h/s.” For example, if s=1 meter, h=0.5 meter and S=20 meters, then H=10 meters, the height of the object.

How do you find volume without density?

Since density=weight/volume, V=weight/density. If you don’t know the density and the material is isotropic, you’ll need to measure weight and volume. Then you can calculate density=weight/volume.

What is the volume of solid?

The volume of a solid is the measure of how much space an object takes up. It is measured by the number of unit cubes it takes to fill up the solid. Counting the unit cubes in the solid, we have 30 unit cubes, so the volume is: 2 units⋅3 units⋅5 units = 30 cubic units.

Does sugar have mass?

So when we stir a little sugar the sugar molecules separate and occupy the intermolecular spaces of water. They literally adjust and distribute themselves evenly. The intermolecular space reduces but the volume of water does not change. When sugar is dissolved in water, its mass remain unchanged.