
What is the meaning of Stold?

What is the meaning of Stold?

Definition of stole (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a long loose garment : robe. 2 : an ecclesiastical vestment consisting of a long usually silk band worn traditionally around the neck by bishops and priests and over the left shoulder by deacons. 3 : a long wide scarf or similar covering worn by women usually across the shoulders.

Who can wear a stole?

Stole, ecclesiastical vestment worn by Roman Catholic deacons, priests, and bishops and by some Anglican, Lutheran, and other Protestant clergy. A band of silk 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimetres) wide and about 8 feet (240 centimetres) long, it is the same colour as the major vestments worn for the occasion.

Why do Priest kiss the Stole?

I know priests kiss the stole to recognize it is God’s power they wield, not their own.

What does a white stole mean?

Honor Stole in White for Graduation and Commencement At the university level, white generally indicates success in the liberal arts, but a white graduation stole can be used for any number of awards an honors.

What does a silver stole mean?

Graduation Stoles for Student Academic Honors

What does a blue stole mean?

The color of the stole can either mean the general color for Degree, Diploma or Certificate graduates, or it can mean the Faculty of the award, e.g. dark blue might mean that the graduate has been awarded a Diploma or Certificate in the Arts Faculty.

What does a gold stole mean?

In graduation ceremonies across the US, gold is used to denote many different achievements and honors. Whether your student is president of the FBLA or captain of the football team, a gold honor stole can denote membership or leadership positions in any academic group.

What does a blue stole at graduation mean?

Honor Stole in Light Blue Add to the success of your commencement ceremony with light blue graduation stoles over your gown! Students may be given an honor stole with honor cords to indicate particularly high honors in grade point average.

How do you wear two stoles?

Place the stole around your neck with the two points hanging in front of your gown evenly. Adjust the stole to make sure this is the outermost layer of your regalia and laying flat in all areas including around the back of your neck.

What does a pink graduation cord mean?

Both hues signify creativity and artistic ability. Through often associated with excellence in the fine arts, the pink honor cord may also represent academic honors in medicine, mathematics, and chemistry. Pink graduation ropes are also used by several academic honor societies, including the Music Honor Society.

Can anyone wear a stole?

A graduation stole can be worn by someone who was the leader, or an active member of, a prestigious academic organization, or even those who were part of a sorority or fraternity while in college. There are also stoles of gratitude. A graduation stole or stole of gratitude is also commonly referred to as a “sash.”

What do the honor cord colors mean?

At some universities, pairs of honor cords, in the school colors, indicate honors graduates: one pair for cum laude, two pairs for magna cum laude, and three pairs for summa cum laude. These are in addition to any cords for membership in an honor society.

What does a gold graduation cord mean?

Gold: This is the most popular cord color on graduation day. It can signify Latin honors for a high GPA, National Honor Society membership, and other academic honors.

What does a yellow graduation cord mean?

Used by such prestigious academic honor societies as Kappa Theta Epsilon and Phi Sigma, the yellow graduation cord is most often used to represent excellence in the biological sciences, in both public and academic administration, and in general education and growth.

Do you get a cord for National Honor Society?

National Honor Society Graduation Cords, called NHS Honor Cords on their official website, can be either a Blue and Gold Double Cord or a Double Gold Graduation Cord. If students want their cords to include the NHS charm, they can only obtain their cords from the official NHS website.

What does a red white and blue graduation cord mean?

Royal Blue Intertwined Honor Cords

Which is highest magna or summa?

Magna cum laude is the highest Latin honor awarded to students with the highest GPA (3.9–4.0 or top one to five percent) while summa cum laude is the second-highest honor awarded to students with a GPA between 3.7 and 3.8, or top 10 to 15 percent.

What does it mean to graduate with honors?

Graduation honors denote academic achievement beyond completion of the basic requirements for earning a college degree. Before commencement, school administration and faculty select students deserving special recognition for outstanding grades, leadership and other exemplary qualities.