
What is the meaning of pliability?

What is the meaning of pliability?

adjective. easily bent; flexible; supple: pliable leather. easily influenced or persuaded; yielding: the pliable mind of youth.

What does Pllable mean?

1a : supple enough to bend freely or repeatedly without breaking.

What is muscle pliability?

Pliability describes the state in which your muscles are long, soft, and resilient, enabling them to absorb and disperse forces — in both sport and daily life — and operate efficiently. Unlike short and dense muscles, pliable muscles allow you to perform and train at your best while avoiding injury.

Can a person be pliable?

Pliable means bendable but not breakable. Wax is pliable, good leather is pliable. If you describe a person as pliable, it usually means that he’s easily influenced, like a nightclub owner who takes orders from a crime boss.

What type of word is Whereas?

Whereas is a conjunction and comes at the beginning of a subordinate (dependent) clause. We use whereas to show the difference between two things or facts. A square has four sides, whereas a triangle has three.

What is the opposite of whereas?

Opposite of in a contrary manner. likewise. equally. similarly. correspondingly.

What is the difference between while and whereas?

while / whereas to link two ideas that contrast with each other: Note that while does not always refer to time. It is also used to balance two ideas that contrast with, but do not contradict, each other. In this sense, it is similar to whereas.

How do you use the word while?

Use a comma before while in the middle of a sentence when you mean “whereas” or “although.” I prefer chocolate cake, while my sister prefers key lime pie. I prefer chocolate cake while my sister prefers key lime pie. The price of eggs is rising, while the price of milk has stayed the same.

How do you use meanwhile?

Examples of meanwhile in a Sentence Meanwhile, I’ll start making dinner. She spent four years studying for her law degree. Meanwhile, she continued to work at the bank. He can come back to work when he’s feeling better, but meanwhile he should be resting as much as possible.

What’s the difference between Meantime and meanwhile?

Does it matter which you use? Meanwhile and meantime can both be nouns or adverbs and are interchangeable. “Meantime” is more frequently seen as a noun, in the phrases “in the meantime” and “for the meantime.” “Meanwhile” is usually seen as an adverb, such as in “meanwhile, back at the farm.”

Why is it called meantime?

meantime Add to list Share. The meantime is the time between two events. In the meantime, I’m playing with the dog.” This word has been around since the fourteenth century, although it was originally two separate words, mean time. Its root is the word mean, which means “middle or intermediate.”

Why do we say in the meantime?

The mean in meantime has nothing to with malice; it’s related to mean in the sense of “average,” from a French and Latin root for “middle,” making meantime literally a kind of “in-between time.”

What type of word is meanwhile?
