
What is the meaning of PIU?

What is the meaning of PIU?


How do you describe music?

Timbre is the term for the color, or sound, of music….Timbre.

Loud Soft Brassy
Gentle Natural Melodious
Raucous Strong Smooth
Rich Distinct Deep
Thick Mellow Shrill

What is C and P?

C&P Exam (short for “Compensation and Pension”) is an exam performed by a VA salaried or contracted physician to document the current severity of a condition that is being considered for VA Disability and DoD Disability. In the C&P Exam(s), the physician should examine every condition a Disabled Veteran has.

What does P stand for in youtube?


What happens after C and P exam?

After the exam Once the C&P exam has been completed, the VA will review all evidence in the veteran’s file, assign them a disability rating, and send them a letter outlining the VA’s decision on their rating.

Are C&P exams required?

No, not everyone will be requested to attend a VA exam. After you have applied for disability compensation and/or pension, you may receive a phone call or a letter from VA or a VA partner asking you to come to a claim exam, also known as a C&P exam.

How much disability can I get for PTSD?

70% PTSD Rating The 70 percent disability rating criterion for PTSD is the most inclusive insofar as it represents a wide array of symptoms.

How do I get a 70% PTSD rating?

First, at the 70 percent PTSD rating level, we are looking at a veteran who lives his or her life in nearly continuous state of panic that limits the veteran’s ability to function independently or act appropriately. The last part of that sentence is key: limits independent functioning and appropriate behavior.

Can someone with PTSD own a gun?

The Veteran is rated at 100% overall, but only 30% for PTSD. In most states, an individual may lose their ability to own a gun, or another weapon, if they are found to be mentally incompetent. PTSD and mental incompetence are not the same things. A person can be mentally incompetent without having PTSD or depression.

Can you collect Social Security and VA disability at the same time?

It is possible for a veteran to receive both VA disability and SSDI benefits at the same time. Receipt of VA disability benefits may impact your eligibility for SSI benefits.

Do I need Medicare Part B if I am a veteran?

Although it’s not absolutely necessary, it is strongly recommended that any Medicare eligible Veterans and Disabled Veterans enroll in Medicare Part B (Medical Coverage, Dr’s, other outpatient services, etc). There is usually a monthly fee for Part B but it is worth it.

Do veterans have to pay Medicare?

A: Medicare is not mandatory for anyone, but if you enroll outside of your Initial Enrollment Period and don’t qualify to delay, you could face late enrollment penalties. If you have VA benefits, you do not have to enroll in Medicare in order to keep your VA benefits.

Can I opt out of Medicare if I have VA benefits?

“You will need to ‘choose’ which benefits to use if you see a doctor or use a health care facility, a lab for bloodwork for example. Medicare cannot pay for the same service that was covered under the VA benefits, and vice versa. It is important to note that Medicare is never the secondary payer after the VA.”