
What is the meaning of MGT?

What is the meaning of MGT?


Acronym Definition
MGT Multi-Gnome Terminal (computer program)
MGT Meritorious Good Time (Illinois correctional facilities)
MGT Multi-Gigabit Transceiver
MGT Master Guide Table

What does the initials MBA stand for?

MBA is the common abbreviation for a Master of Business Administration degree, and recipients typically stop attending school after receiving it. However, those who are interested in conducting business research may decide to pursue a doctorate in business or management.

What does MS stand for in school?

If you meet someone with “MS” behind their name, it means they have obtained a Master of Science degree. It is a graduate-level degree that falls between a bachelor’s and a doctorate. As you might expect, this degree involves study in an area related to the sciences, such as chemistry, biology, or engineering.

What does PG mean after a name?

Post-nominal initials or titles or are letters placed after the name of a person to indicate that the individual holds a particular position, qualification, accreditation, office or honour.

What does OP stand for in sales?

What does OP stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
OP Out of Print
OP Opportunity (Ads)
OP Office Professional
OP Operating Profit

What does op mean in finance?

Operating profit is also referred to as operating income, as well as earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) — although the latter may sometimes include non-operating revenue, which is not a part of operating profit.

What does op mean in math?

original post

What is an op in business?

OP — Operating Profit. OP — Occupancy Permit. OP — Chalk’s Ocean Airways. OP — Opportunity. OP — Opinion.

What does OP stand for in construction?

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish the submittal, review, design, construction process, and financial administration for new construction, renovation and building modification projects.

What is op in statistics?

Op (statistics), a symbol used in probability mathematics. Octagonal prism.