What is the meaning of legacy?

What is the meaning of legacy?

1 : a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest She left us a legacy of a million dollars. 2 : something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past the legacy of the ancient philosophers The war left a legacy of pain and suffering.

How do you say legacy in different languages?

In other languages legacy

  1. American English: legacy /ˈlɛgəsi/
  2. Brazilian Portuguese: legado.
  3. Chinese: 遗产
  4. European Spanish: herencia.
  5. French: legs.
  6. German: Erbschaft.
  7. Italian: eredità
  8. Japanese: 遺産

What is an example of a legacy?

The definition of legacy is something that is passed on to you from family, including reputation. An example of legacy is family property that has been handed down for generations. An example of a legacy is a college student who applies to Harvard because his grandfather and father both went there.

What is the difference between heritage and legacy?

Legacy is a similar concept as inheritance and heritage. It is something we inherit from past generations and pass to our future generations. Usually, heritage refers to material and economical inheritance, while legacy refers to immaterial and cultural inheritance.

What is the root word of legacy?

The word legacy first appeared in English in the late 14th century and derives from Latin legatus meaning ‘ambassador’ or ‘delegated person’ (in relation to a will). Over time its meaning subsequently shifted to refer to ‘property left in a will’.

Can a person be a legacy?

A legacy is a part of a person that lives on long after that person has passed have passed. A legacy also leaves behind the story of a person so they are not forgotten. Legacies are important path ways or the future to follow or to be guided by in order make better decisions in life.

What do you call someone who leaves a legacy?

Note that a testator is someone who writes a will, a legator is someone who leaves a legacy, so though they may be the same person, they are used in reference to different acts and therefore are not contextual equivalents. –

What is a personal legacy?

Your Personal Legacy is more than simply a statement of how you wish to be remembered after you pass on. It is something that enriches your life and reveals you and what your life is about to your family, friends, and your community.

How do you start a legacy?

10 ways to build powerful legacy:

  1. Dare to be joyful.
  2. Monitor your impact on others.
  3. Develop and maximize your talent, strengths, and skills.
  4. Do what matters now.
  5. Seize small opportunities.
  6. Start with those closest to you and the ones you spend the most time with.
  7. Bring your best self to work and family.
  8. Think service not success.

Whats the opposite of legacy?

means “inherited”. ¹ Legacy systems, for example, are the systems we inherited. In the software industry, it often has a negative connotation that the thing is obsolete (but not always²). An antonym would refer to recent innovations, so for that we would use terms such as: present-day systems.

How do I leave my legacy in life?

Here are five ways to leave a great legacy:

  1. Support the People and Causes That are Important to You.
  2. Reflect and Decide What is Most Important in Your Life.
  3. Share Your Blessings With Others.
  4. Be a Mentor to Others.
  5. Pursue Your Passions Because They Are Infectious.

What do you want your legacy examples?

But we all will leave a legacy behind; how we will be remembered by those we touched during our lives….I want my legacy to be that I cared about:

  • Myself.
  • My wife and kids.
  • My family.
  • My friends.
  • My business partner.
  • My work family.
  • My clients.
  • My community.

What do you want to leave as a legacy?

Here are 10 ways on how to leave a legacy.

  • Live your legacy.
  • Live like you mean it.
  • Love like your life depended on it (it does).
  • Keep a journal.
  • Share the family stories with your children.
  • Be honest.
  • Ground your purpose in a greater purpose.
  • Give your family the gift of time.

What is a good legacy?

It’s those small acts of kindness done well, and without expectation of reward or recognition, that find a special place in people’s hearts and that are the most important. That’s a legacy.

Who has left the greatest legacy?

If you need a bit of inspiration, here are five leaders who have left the biggest legacies.

  • Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
  • Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
  • Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
  • Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
  • Marie Curie (1867-1934)

What is Rome’s greatest legacy?

Legacy of Rome

  • Government. Many modern-day governments are modeled after the Roman Republic.
  • Law. Roman law had a significant influence over the modern-day laws of many countries.
  • Language.
  • Architecture.
  • Engineering and Construction.
  • Christianity.
  • Interesting Facts About the Legacy of Ancient Rome.
  • Activities.

What is the greatest legacy?

The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.

How would you describe your legacy?

Here are a few ideas on what to include in your legacy statement. Identify the principles and values most important to you. Describe the most important role you played in life – your family role, work role, and roles in the community are all a part of your story, your legacy.

What is your family legacy?

In other words, family legacy means the accomplishments, beliefs, actions and guidance you demonstrate in your lives – that carry forward to future generations in a fashion which allow those family members to adopt and adapt them to make their lives meaningful and fruitful.

How do you answer what is your legacy?

Your legacy doesn’t have to be a grandiose concept: just focus on what matters to you. Write down everything you think of that has an exciting effect on you. Some possible answers may be: I want people to remember how patient I was with my children, which will in turn inspire them to be patient.

What is a leadership legacy?

Your leadership legacy is the impact and influence you have on others over your tenure as a leader and it is formed by the guiding principles you apply most consistently to your decisions and actions.

What is your legacy work?

“Work legacy” can be about such things as creating new work processes, mentoring and transferring knowledge to younger employees and training new talent. It’s what you pass on to the next generations and your peers in as broad a sense as you would like.

What are legacy quotes?

Legacy Quotes

  • Legacy is not what I did for myself.
  • The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.
  • No matter what happens in life, be good to people.
  • I don’t fight for the money.

Does everyone leave a legacy?

Everyone has a choice between leaving a positive legacy or a negative one. Most people never consciously choose one or the other — it just happens. But the goal for you is to make a conscious decision about the legacy you’ll leave. So let’s start with what a positive legacy looks like.

How do you use legacy in a sentence?


  1. An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.
  2. He’s gambled away all his father’s legacy.
  3. He received a large legacy from his uncle.
  4. The invasion left a legacy of hatred and fear.
  5. She left her the money in a legacy.
  6. The problems were made worse by the legacy of centuries of neglect.