
What is the meaning of exceeding in English?

What is the meaning of exceeding in English?

to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit: The final cost should not exceed $5,000. The success of our campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations.

What is another word for exceeding?

Some common synonyms of exceed are excel, outdo, outstrip, surpass, and transcend.

What is the meaning of Exceeds in maths?

to be greater than a number

What does 4 more than mean?

The phrase “4 more than” means 4 has been added onto a number. “Sue has 4 more sweets than Ann, means that however many sweets Ann has, Sue’s number is bigger by 4. In this case we are referring to a number b .

What does more than indicate?

: to a great degree : very : extremely Please call me anytime.

What is the key word of division?

Summary. The key word that designates multiplication or division is “each”. Other words like “total”, “area”, “in all”, and “altogether” can designate multiplication or division.

How do you describe division in words?

Division is breaking a number up into an equal number of parts. Example: 20 divided by 4 = ? If you take 20 things and put them into four equal sized groups, there will be 5 things in each group.

How do you show division?

To show division with a division bar, we write the dividend on top. To show division with a division box, we write the dividend inside the box. The division bar is a way to show division. This means “five times what number is 15?” The answer is 3.

What is the division fact?

When teachers talk about division facts, they mean the division number sentences related to times tables. Therefore: 30 ÷ 3 = 10, 27 ÷ 3 = 9 and 24 ÷ 3 = 8 are all division facts for the three times table.

How do we use division in everyday life?

Division is something that you use daily. If you are in a Rock group of any kind or a band for instance. You might be the lead singer, the guitarist or even the drummer. Each one of you has their own place, and when you play a song, that song is divided into different parts where each one gets a piece to do.