What is the meaning of currently enrolled?

What is the meaning of currently enrolled?

adj. 1 of the immediate present; in progress. current events. 2 most recent; up-to-date.

What is the difference between accepted and enrolled?

Admitted means a student is accepted into the university, and Enrolled is when an accepted student decides to study at that university. You MUST be admitted to be enrolled but if you are admitted you DON’T have to enroll at a particular university.

What is Enrolment date?

Answer: Date of enrollment in the registration process means the day you actually got enrolled or included in the strength of armed forces. Basically this is the day from when your service for the armed forces starts.

What does first enrollment date mean?

The date and time of first subject/patient enrollment in a clinical trial, as verifiable by convention consistent with authoritative regulatory criteria.

Is Enrol correct?

Enrol or enroll: Enrol and enroll are two variants of the same word. Enrol (with one L) is standard in British English. Enroll (with two L’s) is standard in American English. Both words mean the act of signing up for services or the number of people signed up for a given service.

How do you spell Enrolment in Canada?

The double ‘L’ The Canadian spelling for words that use a double ‘L’ is below: compel, compelled, compelling. counsel, counsellor, counselling. enrol, enrolled, enrolment.

How do you spell Traveller in Canada?

Hence, Canada uses the double–L rule, and if you’re in Quebec City, the correct spelling is: Travelling. Other Commonwealth Countries that use the “two L” spelling (Travelled, Traveller, and so on) include Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand.

Does Canada use British English or American English?

Spelling In British, American And Canadian English Many people think that the biggest difference between Canadian English and American English is the spelling — after all, Canadians use British spelling, right? Not really. Canadian spelling combines British and American rules and adds some domestic idiosyncrasies.

How do you spell honorable in Canada?

In Canada, honour is the preferred spelling for the noun and the verb.

How do you spell Centred in Canada?

However, my Funk & Wagnalls Canadian College Dictionary gives “center” as the preferred spelling, with “centre” as “Brit.” for “center.” When spelling it in the British style, we are to also to write “centred” and “centring.” So Canadians would have to be self-consciously British to spell it “centre.”

How do you spell Counselling in Canada?

Dr. Clawson asked in his correspondence if I knew why the words counseling and counselor are spelled with a single “L” in the U.S., while in England and Canada the words are correctly spelled with two “L’s” (i.e., counselling or counsellor).

Is it Realise or realize in Canada?

Realise and realize are different spellings of the same word, and they can be used interchangeably. Both are common throughout the English-speaking world, though in different areas. Realize is preferred in American and Canadian English, while realise is preferred outside North America.

Is Center American or British?

Center and centre have the same meaning. Center is the correct spelling in American English, but British English writers usually prefer centre.

What is the British word of Theatre?

In American English, the spelling is theater; in Britain and the rest of the English-speaking world, theatre is used. The spelling you choose—theater vs. theatre—should align with your audience’s preference.

Who changed the word Theatre?

Noah Webster’s

What is the correct way to spell Theatre?

According to British-style guides, the listing theatre is the preferred spelling. However, vice versa, theater is the preferred spelling in American English, according to Garner’s Modern American Usage! One note to make, though, is the use of theater and theatre are distinguish slightly different.

Why is Theatre so important?

Theatre helps us to see a different perspective from our own. We’re shown humanity, psychology, motivations, conflict and resolution. We as the audience get to witness the trajectory of persons other than ourselves. Theatre promotes us to give power to truth, to take risks and to advocate for new and diverse voices.