What is the meaning jingoism?

What is the meaning jingoism?

Jingoism, an attitude of belligerent nationalism, or a blind adherence to the rightness or virtue of one’s own nation, society, or group, simply because it is one’s own.

Where did jingoism come from?

“Jingoism” originated during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, when many British citizens were hostile toward Russia and felt Britain should intervene in the conflict.

What is the opposite of mayhem?

What is the opposite word for Mayhem? peace. mayhem and peace. calm. mayhem and calm.

Which word is most dissimilar to miniature?

other words for miniature

  • small.
  • diminutive.
  • little.
  • minuscule.
  • petite.
  • pocket.
  • toy.
  • wee.

What is another word for discontent?

Discontent Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for discontent?

dissatisfaction displeasure
fretfulness uneasiness
disaffection grievances
resentment chagrin
disquiet frustration

What is the opposite of discontent?

Opposite of dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances. contentment. satisfaction. contentedness. pleasure.

What is the meaning of discontent?

: lack of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation : lack of contentment: a : a sense of grievance : dissatisfaction the winter of our discontent— William Shakespeare. b : restless aspiration (see aspiration sense 1a) for improvement.

Is Discontent an emotion?

The feeling of being displeased and discontent. When I entered his room he was sitting on a stool in the centre, with his elbows on his knees, and his face was the picture of sullen discontent.

How do I stop being discontent?

Let’s look at each one of these solutions.

  1. Change Your Attitude and Perspective. This is huge.
  2. Appreciate what you have.
  3. Find good in everything.
  4. Start believing that you can change things.
  5. Enjoy the moment.
  6. Take Some Kind of Positive Action.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Decluttering.

What is divine discontent?

“Divine discontent comes when we compare what we are to what we have the power to become. Each of us, if we are honest, feels a gap between where and who we are, and where and who we want to become. We yearn for greater personal capacity.” These feelings are God-given and create an urgency to act.

Is Discontent a good thing?

Discontent starts with a feeling and can end one of two ways. If acted upon, our discontent can lead us toward a life with greater meaning, purpose, and impact. If not, it can be the beginning of looking back on our lives with regret.

What makes a person discontented?

Here are 3 definitions of discontent, just so we know what we are talking about: A feeling of wanting something better or an improved situation. Restless aspiration for improvement. A longing for something better than the present situation.

What are the causes of discontentment?

I would kick him out of the house if he did that to me!” Being around other women who are disrespectful of their own husbands and disrespectful of YOUR husband WILL CREATE a spirit of discontentment, resentment, anger, bitterness and a feeling of being victimized in your heart and marriage.

What is positive discontent?

Positive discontent is the combination of gratitude and discontent. It doesn’t discount or diminish what we’ve been able to accomplish but neither does it allow us to rest on our laurels. Positive discontent allows us to enjoy what we’ve achieved without the attendant danger of becoming complacent.

How did the British rule cause discontentment in India?

Answer: Explanation: In fact, the British rulers treated their Indian subjects as sub- humans. Thus when discontent of the Indians loomed large the British government imposed various restrictions one after another curbing the rights Indians had been enjoying for long.

What were the causes of discontent among the Indian rulers?

Political policies: The nature of colonial expansion through annexation became a major source of discontent among the Indian rulers. Their policy of annexation called Doctrine of Lapse led to a number of independent kingdoms being annexed to the British Empire.

What were the main causes of revolt of 1857?

What were the main causes of Revolt of 1857?

  • Pathetic Socioeconomic Condition.
  • Problems of Land Revenue.
  • Destruction of Economy.
  • Low position of Indians in Administration.
  • Doctrine of Lapse.
  • Ill-treatment with Bahadur Shah Zafar.
  • Annexation of Oudh.
  • Biased Police and Judiciary.

What was the main reason behind the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857?

An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. Loading the Enfield often required tearing open the greased cartridge with one’s teeth, and many sepoys believed that the cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat.

What was the main cause of the revolt of 1857?

Causes of Revolt of 1857 Religious & Social Causes – Racism or racial discrimination was believed to be a major reason for the revolt of 1857 wherein Indians were exploited and were kept away from mixing with Europeans.

Why was the revolt of 1857 failed?

The revolt of 1857 suffered from a weak leadership. It was not planned and organized. There was a clear lack of unity among the rebels and there was no common purpose among them during the revolt of 1857. Also, the rulers of Kashmir, Gwalior, and Hyderabad helped the British against the revolt.

Who was declared the leader of the 1857 revolt?

Bakht Khan

Who was the first Viceroy of India?

Warren Hastings