What is the mass percent of chlorine in CCl2F2?

What is the mass percent of chlorine in CCl2F2?

Percent composition by element

Element Symbol Mass Percent
Chlorine Cl 58.642%
Carbon C 9.933%
Fluorine F 31.425%

How do you define molecular mass?

Listen to pronunciation. (muh-LEH-kyoo-ler mas) The sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule, based on a scale in which the atomic masses of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are 1, 12, 14, and 16, respectively.

How many moles are in CCl2F2?

0.5 mole

What is the molar mass of br2?

159.808 g/mol

What is the mass of Br2 in grams?

159.808 grams

What is the mass of Br?

79.904 u

What is the mass of no?


How do you calculate atomic mass in grams?

“Gram atomic mass(weight) of an element is the mass of Avogadro number ( 6.023 x 1023 ) of atoms of that elements in grams.” Mass of 6.023 x 1023 atoms of oxygen= 16 x 6.023 x 1023 x 1.66 x 10-24 = 16 gm. Hence, Gram atomic weight of oxygen = 16 gm.

What is difference between atomic mass and gram atomic mass?

When atomic mass is defined in terms of gram it is known as gram atomic mass. When molecular mass is defined in terms of gram it is known as gram molecular mass. ExplanationAtomic weight if oxygen is 16amu. 1 mole of oxygen is 6.therefore 1 amu =1.661×10^-24gram.

Is molecular weight in grams?

The molecular weight is the mass of one mole of a substance. Usually, the units used for this are grams per mole.

What is molecular weight example?

The sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule, based on a scale in which the atomic masses of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are 1, 12, 14, and 16, respectively. For example, the molecular weight of water, which has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, is 18 (i.e., 2 + 16).

What is the difference between molecular weight and molecular mass?

The molecular mass (m) is the mass of a given molecule: it is measured in daltons (Da or u). Molecular weight, as a synonym of molar mass, is defined as the mass of a sample of that compound divided by the amount of substance in that sample, measured in moles (g/mol).

What is the difference between weight and mass?

Your mass is the same no matter where you go in the universe; your weight, on the other hand, changes from place to place. Mass is measured in kilograms; even though we usually talk about weight in kilograms, strictly speaking it should be measured in newtons, the units of force.

What would happen to your weight and mass on the moon?

Therefore, the mass of an object on the Moon remains the same as its mass on Earth. But its weight gets less because the gravity on the moon is less than on the Earth.

Does more mass equal more power?

More specifically, a more massive object will require more work in order to get from rest to a velocity v , and consequently have a higher kinetic energy, than a lighter object that goes from rest to the same velocity v . You can test this yourself by trying to push a bicycle and a car to the same velocity.

What happens if the Earth’s mass doubled?

If Earth’s mass doubled then the acceleration due to gravity, which we normally feel as 9.81 m/s, would also double. So you can expect an acceleration of about 19.62 m/. It would also change our orbit with the sun and probably mess with the moon’s orbit of the earth.

What if the sun doubled in Mass?

This effect has a tiny tiny effect on your weight. If the sun’s mass were to double without pushing or pulling on the Earth, then the Earth’s orbit will change to an ellipse which brings it out to our current radius but spends most of its time closer to the sun.

What if Earth was bigger than the sun?

The Sun accounts for 98% of the mass of our entire solar system. And compared to the densest planet, which is our very own planet Earth, the Sun is more than a million times more massive! In fact, it would take roughly 1,300,000 planet Earths to fill the entire Sun!