What is the Latin name for Badger?

What is the Latin name for Badger?

Meles meles

Why are badgers called Brock?

The “Brock” is old English for badger, and many towns and villages throughout Britain have the word in their name, for example Brockenhurst, Brockhampton, Brockworth etc. The word badger is derived from the French verb Becher, “to dig”, and badgers can dig themselves virtually underground in no time at all.

What does the word badger mean?

Badger is to bother. If you badger someone, you get under their skin. A badger is an animal that digs tunnels under ground to keep warm. To badger can also mean to persuade someone through constant annoying efforts.

What is a female badger called?


What would eat a badger?

In Europe wolves, lynx, wolverines (Gulo gulo), brown bears (Ursus arctos) and eagle owls (Bubo bubo) are potential predators of cubs and juvenile badgers.

What can kill a badger?

Honey badgers need to be exceptionally tough to survive. Lions, leopards, and hyaenas are all well-known to attack and attempt to kill honey badgers. These attempts are sometimes successful but very often they are not.

Will a Badger kill a cat?

A spokesman for the Badgerland group, speaking on its website, said: “Badgers do not generally kill family pets like cats and dogs. “Sadly, a very few pets do find themselves in situations where they are cornered and the badgers sees them as a threat to its cubs and they may be attacked and rarely killed.”

What is the predator of a badger?

Golden eagles, bobcats, cougars, wolves, bears, and coyotes prey upon badgers, but humans are most lethal for them. While American badgers are protected from hunting in Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and British Columbia, they face several human-caused hazards, so in some places their numbers are decreasing.

Can a Badger kill a dog?

However, an injured or sick badger might take up refuge inside or underneath a garden shed and, if it is cornered, it could feasibly attack as a form of defence. Neither would a badger attack a pet such as a dog but if the dog was likely to attack or harass a badger, it would be better to keep your dog in overnight.

What is the bravest animal on earth?

The Guinness book has declared the honey badger as “the world’s most fearless animal.” It looks like a weird skunk or, from the front, like a tiny bear wearing an old man’s toupée, and it’s got the personality to match.

What is the rarest eagle on earth?

Philippine eagle