What is the highest rank in Njrotc?

What is the highest rank in Njrotc?

CDR Cadet Commander

What are the 10 Njrotc goals?

NJROTC Mission/Goals & Website

  • Promote patriotism.
  • Develop informed and responsible citizens.
  • Promote habits of orderliness and precision.
  • Develop respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority in a democratic society.
  • Provide incentives to live healthy and drug-free lives.
  • Develop leadership potential.

What is the highest award that can be earned by an Njrotc cadet?

meritous achievement

Where does the J Bar go?

Reader view. The J-bar (Right) and Rank insignia (Left) are to be worn 1 & 7/8 inches from the tip of the collar centered. The name tag and ribbon bar should be worn a quarter of an inch from the top of the pocket to the bottom of the name tag/ribbon bar.

What do you do in Njrotc?

NJROTC, or Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, is a leadership program designed to give you or your son/daughter a head start in life. NJROTC develops self-discipline, self-confidence, and leadership skills to help you or your son/daughter successfully meet life’s challenges along the road.

When must cadets comply with uniform requirements?

When may one uncover outdoors? When ordered to uncover or during religious services which are not associated with a military ceremony. When must cadets comply with uniform regulations? Anytime they are in uniform.

Can you wear makeup in Jrotc?

Cosmetics, if worn, will be conservative, moderate, being within reasonable limits, not excessive or extreme and in good taste. Female cadets will not wear shades of lipstick that distinctly contrast with their complexion, that detract from the uniform, or that are extreme colors.

Do you have to shave your head for ROTC?

We do not cut anyone’s hair. You must, however, meet the Army appearance standards. That may mean for males that you have shorter hair than you currently have, but no one gets his or her head shaved. Females must wear their hair up off the collar of the uniform.

Does ROTC guarantee officer?

Senior Military College cadets are “guaranteed” active duty. Although many of the remaining ROTC cadets will get active duty, they are not “guaranteed” active duty. You can be commissioned as an officer in the armed forces, but not serve actively in that capacity and go to the “weekend warrior” reserves instead.

Can I join ROTC without a scholarship?

Yes, you can enroll in a ROTC program without a scholarship. You can only enroll in a ROTC program at a college that has a ROTC unit. Each service has an online list of the colleges that have a unit for their respective service. Some colleges only have one ROTC program, some have all three.

Do all ROTC students get scholarships?

High school students who apply for an ROTC program are eligible for scholarships covering the full cost of tuition, fees and textbooks for four years, plus a monthly stipend for personal expenses. When you accept an ROTC scholarship, you are legally bound to serve in the military for a certain number of years.

Is Air Force ROTC hard to get into?

The AF ROTC scholarship is extremely competitive. Especially if you want a type 1 scholarship. A gpa of 3.1 is not good.

Is it hard to get a ROTC scholarship?

Army ROTC. Is probably the “easiest” scholarship to win. For the academic year 2018-2019, more than 7,000 high school senior applications for the scholarship were reviewed. About 3,000 applicants were awarded a scholarship.