
What is the function of a focus group?

What is the function of a focus group?

What is the Purpose of a Focus Group? Focus group research is used to develop or improve products or services. The main purpose is to provide data to enhance, change or create a product or service targeted at a key customer group.

How are focus groups used in marketing research?

Basic Steps In Conducting a Focus Group

  1. Identify the main objective of the focus group.
  2. Carefully develop your focus group questions.
  3. Call potential participants to invite them to the meeting.
  4. Send a follow-up invitation with a proposed agenda, questions up for discussion, and time/location details.

What is a focus group quizlet?

Focus groups are groups (usually 7-10 people) of unrelated (do not know each other) individuals that are formed by a researcher and then led in-group discussion of a topic for 1-2 hours. FOCUS GROUP methods share with other field research an emphasis on discovering unanticipated findings and exploring hidden meanings.

What is the purpose of focus group discussion in research?

A focus group discussion (FGD) is a good way to gather together people from similar backgrounds or experiences to discuss a specific topic of interest.

What are the three types of focus groups?

What are the Different Types of Focus Groups?

  • Single Focus Group. This is what most people think about when asked about focus groups.
  • Mini Focus Group.
  • Two-Way Focus Group.
  • Dual Moderator Focus Group.
  • Dueling Moderator Focus Group.
  • Respondent Moderator Focus Group.
  • Remote Focus Group.

What is the focus group method?

A focus group is a research technique used to collect data through group interaction. The group comprises a small number of carefully selected people who discuss a given topic. Focus groups are used to identify and explore how people think and behave, and they throw light on why, what and how questions.

What is an example of a focus group?

A focus group is a small-group discussion guided by a trained leader. It is used to learn about opinions on a designated topic, and to guide future action. Examples: A focus group of parents of preschoolers meets to discuss child care needs.

What kind of study is a focus group?

A focus group is qualitative research because it asks participants for open-ended responses conveying thoughts or feelings. The other prominent research type is quantitative research. This is more data-driven research that uses surveys or questionnaires to derive numerical-based statistics or percentages.

How many focus groups do I need?

A common guideline for focus group research is to conduct at least two focus groups for each demographic stratum in the study (Krueger and Casey 2015; Barbour 2007; Fern 2001; Greenbaum 2000; Morgan 1997).

What is a good sample size for a focus group?

More questions, fewer people. The ideal size of a focus group is usually between five and eight participants. If the topic is of minor concern to participants, and if they have little experience with the topic, then a group size of 10 could be productive.

How many FGDS are enough?

∎ There is no consensus on the optimal number of participants per FGD, but a range of 6 to 12 is considered sufficient to generate an active discussion. That is, for each FGD, you will aim to identify 6 to 12 participants sharing specific characteristics.

What is the average size for a focus group?

Population: The ideal size of a focus group is 8-10 subjects, plus a facilitator and a note taker, about the size of a lively seminar class. A larger group will limit the detail of some responses because participants feel a pressure to share airtime with others.

How do you focus a zoom group?

How Do You Create an Online Focus Group?

  1. Set goals.
  2. Secure online focus group participants.
  3. Choose the technology you plan to use.
  4. Develop a tight research plan.
  5. Select the right moderator.
  6. Encourage, Engage, and Elicit.
  7. Frame the right questions for online research.
  8. Capture the results — accurately and immediately.

How long should focus groups last?

about 60 to 90 minutes

How do you conduct a FGD?

Question Types There should be three types of questions in a focus group discussion: Probe questions: these introduce participants to the discussion topic and make them feel more comfortable sharing their opinion with the group. Follow-up questions: delve further into the discussion topic and the participants’ opinions.

What types of questions are good to ask in a group discussion?

1. What types of questions are good to ask in a group discussion?

  • Questions with one word or short answers.
  • Questions with clear correct answers.
  • Questions that require the group to synthesize and evaluate information.
  • Reading comprehension questions.

What are the factors that you need to consider before conducting focus group discussion?


  • Good planning and event organization.
  • Size of the focus group.
  • Time of the focus group.
  • The environment and location.
  • Selection of participants and understanding the participants.
  • Focus group scripts and materials.
  • Being accepting and flexible concerning their opinions.
  • Good interpersonal skills.

What should I ask in a focus group?

Here are 50+ example questions to ask when conducting a focus group:

  • Introductory Questions.
  • Competitor Questions.
  • Improvements & Dissatisfaction Questions.
  • Positive Aspects of the Product Questions.
  • Specific Feature Information Questions.
  • Overall Usage and Opinion Questions.
  • Probing Questions.
  • Closed-ended Questions.

How do you write a good focus question?

Steps to developing a research question:

  1. Choose an interesting general topic. Most professional researchers focus on topics they are genuinely interested in studying.
  2. Do some preliminary research on your general topic.
  3. Consider your audience.
  4. Start asking questions.
  5. Evaluate your question.
  6. Begin your research.

How do you create a successful focus group?

8 Top Tips for running a successful focus group:

  1. Ensure you have clear objectives.
  2. Recruit the right people for you.
  3. Pilot your focus group before the ‘real thing’
  4. Create a happy atmosphere.
  5. Keep control of the session.
  6. Avoid leading questions.
  7. Rope a colleague in to be your ‘assistant’ moderator.

How do you quote a focus group question?

Use Open-Ended Language Asking for examples and using phrases like “How did you feel?” or “What problems did you see?” can be useful ways to encourage focus group participants to share their thoughts honestly.

What is a focus question?

A focus question is a text-dependent question that sets a succinct purpose for instruction. Your focus question should serve as your north star as you plan text-dependent questions to guide students reading, writing, and discussion.

What’s an example of an open ended question?

An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no” response, or with a static response. Examples of open-ended questions: Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor. How do you see your future?

How do you recruit participants in focus group?

Recruit participants Participants should be recruited by telephone one to three weeks before the sessions. How you identify potential participants depends on the type of people they are and the resources you have. Focus group facilities typically identify members of the audience through their own databases.

What are the characteristics of a good FGD moderator?

This article from Quirks.com outlines the 7 most important qualities inherent any every great moderator.

  • Natural curiosity.
  • Ease in interacting with people.
  • Ability to remain impartial, open, and unbiased.
  • Flexibility.
  • Strong verbal skills.
  • Excited about the process of discovery.
  • Creating comfort and trust.

What question can never be answered yes?

Question: What is the only question you can’t answer yes to? Answer: Are you dead? (assuming you are dead) Every other question you can answer ‘yes’ even if you are wrong.

What are the 7 question words?

In English there are seven Wh questions.

  • Heres what they are and how they are used:
  • What is used for a thing. What is it?
  • is used for a person.
  • Why is used for a reason.
  • When is used for a time or date.
  • Which is used for a choice.
  • Where is used for a place.
  • How is used for an amount or the way.

What words do questions begin with?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, which, when, where, who, whom, whose, why, whether and how. They are sometimes called wh-words, because in English most of them start with wh- (compare Five Ws).