What is the first thing you open riddle answer?

What is the first thing you open riddle answer?

What do you open? Well, as the riddle states, you are asleep. So the first thing you open is your eyes.

What is the answer to you are asleep riddle?

Eyes – This is the most widely accepted answer, and according to Strugnell, the only answer to avoid the humiliation of being a Giraffe on Facebook. If you are asleep as the riddle defines, and the doorbell rings, the first thing you would do is open your eyes upon hearing the doorbell.

What is the answer to the giraffe challenge Riddle on Facebook?

The answer to the giraffe challenge riddle is ‘your eyes. ‘

What did the pregnant woman open first?

So what did the pregnant woman open first?? The fridge door. She opened the fridge door first.

What’s really easy to get into and hard to get out of?

The answer for What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of? Riddle is “Trouble.”

What becomes white when it’s dirty?

This Riddle talks about something white making another surface dirty. Milk is white, most of the time.

What has a face but no body?


What is the only question you Cannot answer yes to?

Riddle: What is the only question you can’t answer yes too? Answer: Are you asleep.

What is black when its clean and white when it’s dirty?

What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty? A chalkboard (or blackboard). It’s solid black when clean, and as you write on it with white chalk it becomes dirty. A chalkboard (or blackboard).

What man Cannot live inside a house?

What man cannot live inside a house? Snowman.

What is the smallest room in the world riddle?

Answer: The answer to “What Is the Smallest Room in the World Riddle” is “Mushroom.” According to the riddle, the riddle asks about the smallest room, and the Mushroom is the correct answer.

What is never used until it is broken?

Answer. Answer:egg,and the things covered with shells.

What does everyone have but no one can lose?

Everyone has it but no one can lose it. What is it? Answer: A shadow.