What is the exact value of CSC 240?

What is the exact value of CSC 240?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians csc(θ)
225° 5π/4 -√2
240° 4π/3 -2√3/3
270° 3π/2 -1
300° 5π/3 -2√3/3

How do you find the exact value of sin 240?

sin (240) = sin (60 + 180) = – sin 60.

How do you construct a 240 degree angle?

Explanation: The angle of 240o is drawn as shown in the figure. Angle of 0o is taken to be along the positive x-axis. Then turn anti-clockwise by 240 degrees to draw the angle as desired.

What type of angle is 11 degrees?

acute angle-an angle between 0 and 90 degrees. right angle-an 90 degree angle. obtuse angle-an angle between 90 and 180 degrees.

What is the exact value of sin 210 degrees?

Important Angle Summary

θ° θradians sin(θ)
180° π 0
210° 7π/6 -1/2
225° 5π/4 -√2/2
240° 4π/3 -√3/2

What are the negative and positive Coterminal angles of 240 degrees?

Add 360° to find a positive coterminal angle. Subtract 360° to find a negative coterminal angle. Angles that measure 240° and –480° are coterminal with a –120° angle.

What is degrees in positive degrees?

“Positive degree” is a term that relates to adjectives and adverbs. An adjective or adverb that does not make a comparison is said to be in the positive degree. (In other words, the “positive degree” is the normal form of an adjective or adverb.)

What is sign of an angle?

In geometry, an angle can be defined as the figure formed by two rays meeting at a common end point. An angle is represented by the symbol ∠.

How is an angle of Measure 1 degree formed?

An angle is measured with reference to a circle with its center at the common endpoint of the rays, by considering the fraction of the circular arc between the points where the two rays intersect the circle. An angle that turns through 1/360 of a circle is called a “one-degree angle,” and can be used to measure angles.

How do you convert negative degrees to positive degrees?

When measured in the negative direction its will be -90°. We simply subtract 270 from 360. Given a negative angle, we add 360 to get its corresponding positive angle.

Is negative Celsius warm or cold?

It is set so that pure water freezes at zero degrees Celsius and boils at one hundred degrees Celsius. And with 100 degrees between those points, we can specify temperatures using 1 or 2 digit positive numbers. When the temperature is negative, i.e. below 0 °C, then we know that it is so cold that water will freeze.

How do you convert negative radians to degrees?

For any amount of radians, whole or decimal, positive or negative, you just multiply by [180/pi] to get degrees.